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Chapter 4: Family

                I awake to small, but violent shakes, goose bumps riding on skin as my fingertips graze over a cool arm. A sweet giggle reaches my ears and right after, a chattering of teeth.

                I open sleep heavy eyes and meet sparkling sapphires, the wide grin on the small, cute face eliciting a smile from mine.

                "Morning Haruka," the small tomboy whispers loudly, before the cold brings her mouth to quiver once more.

                I chuckle, careful not to wake her mother's still sleeping figure snuggled tightly on my left side and her head comfortably nestled on my neck.

                "It's cold."          

                I laugh at Haru's obvious statement, the inadvertent rumbling my chest makes stirring the violinist minimally.

                "Shh," I whisper back, my hand patting down disheveled, short wild aqua locks. "You're gonna wake mama."

                "Mama's awake," Michiru states sleepily her head delving deeper in my neck and some loose curls tickling my cheeks. Her eyes, however, remain shut as her child and I look at her warily.

                "Mama," Haru calls, her voice still in an incessant loud whisper.

                A grumble escapes from my partner causing me to chuckle.

                "Mama, it snowed!"

                Michiru's arm around me tightens, soft lips grazing my neck as she whispers, "I figured it would."

                I raise the blanket over an exposed shoulder, loving how long smooth legs curl further with my own beneath the covers.

                "I left my slippers outside—the soft Totoro ones. The snow's all over it now. I don't think I can walk in them for a while...and I really need to pee."

                Sleep induced laughter escapes from her and finally we're both graced with the opening of warm sapphires, accompanied by a small yawn and eye rub.

                "Have you asked for Haruka to carry you back?" she asks with a smile, eyes twinkling as she looks over the two of us.

                Haru and I shake our heads in unison.

                "You were sleeping so well and if I took Haruka, it'd definitely wake you up."

                She nods in agreement, embracing me deeper. "She's definitely our source of warmth right now."

                Her daughter follows in tandem and hugs my right side tightly as well. "Like a skinny teddy bear."


                They laugh at my harassed tone as I poke my partner in the side with my free hand. She jerks, narrowing her eyes at me, but the playful smile on her wakening visage betrays the upcoming reprimand. 

                "Speaking of having to be carried, I remember vividly that you didn't even bring your slippers Michiru. At least Haru tried."

                "Mou," my partner sounds with a pout attached. My heart melts just a little bit more.

                I laugh, sitting up and taking both of them with me by doing so.

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