To Brody: Third letter

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Dear Brody,

Let me tell you why I admire you. I admire you because I feel like you can do whatever you want. You don't care about being perfect. That doesn't work for me because my parents want me to be perfect. They make me play the piano and I hate playing the piano. I just want to be an artist that has been my passion since I can remember. Why can't they just let me be my own person? I see people all around me doing what they want to do. Why can't that be me? I'm so stupid, I don't even know why I'm writing to you. You probably think I'm some weird girl that doesn't have a life, and you know what that is so true. I'm not living the life I want to live. I think I should stop writing to you. Just so you know I think you have an amazing life.


A girl that admires you

I know you received my letters because you told your best friend about the letters.


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