Who are we

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Abby was telling Clarke What to do. Raven was helping her while I was sitting on The table next to them And watched What they were doing.

As soon As Clarke started pulling out the knife inside of Finn the whole dropship shook violently And we all fell down. Including Finn.

"Clarke! Clarke! What's happening? Clarke, can you hear us? Clarke?" Abby said worried

"It's out. She did it!" Raven said

When Clarke was finished with Finn Abby wanted to Talk with her But She refused. I didn't know why But She must've Had a good reason.
She was going on top level And I joined her. When we got there a Random guy tried to stop us.
"IF you don't move you will end up Like Finn, But dead. Get the fuck out of My way" I said to him.
"It's ok. Let them through." Bellamy ordered.

"Well if he didn't hate us before, he does now." Said Clarke when She saw What they did to that grounder. He was tied up And his head was covered with blood.

"Yeah, it's really hard to Hate Bellamy." I said sarcastically But Bellamy just looked me in disgust And didn't say anything.

"Who cares? How's Finn?" Bellamy asked Clarke.

"Actually a lot of people care. Especially your sister." I said "And his people, ofcorse."
"Finn is alive. But How long until they found out where we're keeping him? And what happens when they do, I mean when they come looking for him. They will, Bellamy." Clarke said to Bellamy

"Relax, Princess. No one saw us take him. He was chained up in that cave the whole time and thanks to the storm you couldn't see a soul on the way back." He said while opening grounder's journal "In case you missed it. His people are already killing us. How many more of our people need to die before you realize we're fighting a war."

"We're not soldiers, Bellamy. Look at him, we can't win." Clarke insisted.

"You're right we can't, if we don't fight." He replied

"Why do you always think you're right?" I started But got interrupted by Raven "Clarke! He's seizing!"
"On My way." Clarke said

I looked at the grounder who was already looking at me "I'm on your side. And I promise you that As soon As you Are free, I'll help you kill him." Then I looked at Bellamy, turned around And went after Clarke.


"He was fine and then-" Raven said crying.
"Get My mom on the radio, now!" Clarke ordered.
"The radio is dead, interference from the storm. Please don't let him die."

As Soon As Finn stopped shaking Clarke said we have to get him on his side But Raven didn't move "Raven! There is fluid in his lungs he could choke, quick!". We did it And suddenly the fluid was coming out of his mouth."

Clarke started to panic. She did everything Abby Had told her "Wait I've seen this before, shortness of breath, fever, seizing it's poison."

"But you sterilized everything" I said
"I watched you do it!" Raven yelled back.

Clarke took the knife she pulled out of Finn And went upstairs.
"Clarke, they locked the hatch." Octavia Said But that didn't stop Clarke. She continued clibing And started banging on the hatch And yelling at them to open the door.

Miller opened the hatch And Clarke yelled "Get out of my way, Miller! Now!" She walked over to the grounder And asked him "What's on this?"

Bellamy looked at her And asked in confusion "What are you talking about?"

"He poisoned the blade! All this time he knew Finn was going to die no matter what we did! What is it?! Is there an antidote?" Clarke asked the grounder

"Clarke he doesn't understand you." Octavia said

Bellamy got her something that looked Like a little box And it had few little bottles inside. We all begged him to tell us which one will help Finn But we got no answer.
Then Bellamy wanted to hit the grounder But Octavia stopped him. "He wants Finn to die, why can't you see that?"

"He doesn't want him to die. Why do you think He did it on purpose?" I asked

Unfortunately Clarke was with Bellamy this time.
He took the knife And ripped grounder's shirt with it "Show us the antidote or you'll wish you had."

Octavia begged him to stop. He took a seat Belt And whiped the grounder.
He whiped the hell out of him. I felt really bad for him But there was nothing I could do.

"Enough!" Octavia screamed
"Clarke He's Getting worse" Raven said while joining us "What's taking so long? He stopped breathing. He started again but next time he might not."

"He won't tell us anything." Clarke said
"Wanna bet?" Raven said with the serial killer Look on her face. She took some electrical wires.

"What Are you doing?" Bellamy asked her.
"Showing you something new." She said And shocked the grounder

"Are you out of your mind?" I yelled "Stop it!"

In that moment Octavia took the knife And cut her arm.

"Octavia, no!" Bellamy said.
"He won't let ME die!" She said And then She kneeled in front of the grounder And She told her which one to use.

I could see in his eyes that He cared for her. And She cared for him.


Clarke came up again And tried to clean Lincolns wounds But He didn't let her so Octavia tried. And He let her do it. Not only that, He was looking at her Like He just saw an angel.

"I never wanted him to get hurt, Octavia. You have to know that. I just wanted to save Finn." Clarke said to Octavia
"It's funny hearing that from you. As far As I know you let Bellamy do this to him." I said pissed OFF
Clarke looked at me And Octavia said "For the record, you didn't save Finn that was me but whatever you want to tell yourself to feel better."

Clarke left And I decided to Stay And help Octavia.
"I'm so sorry. You saved my life and look-look at the things you can-I never wanted any of this to happen to you." She said to him
"Thank you." He replied
She looked at him And I swear I've never seen her happier.

"Hey, he just say something?" Drew asked.

"What, you hearing voices now?" I said to him But He ignored me

"You know your brother doesn't want you here, Octavia, let's go." He said to her.
We both left to check up on Finn.

Just when we got there He was waking up And Clarke was next to him.
I didn't want to be third wheel so I went out.
I was sitting there for a while when Clarke joined me.

"Raven is with him?" I asked her
"Yeah." She said But She wasn't really happy
"Look, sometimes to let go is the hardest part. Believe me, I know".

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