Ch. 2 Wolves and Fleas

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Just a small recap of my life thus far. I am originally from another plane of reality sent to Tamriel by my father's former master. I've traveled all over looking for a way back to my family, and seconds after I return to Skyrim, I'm in line to get my head cut off. Then a dragon attacks, I escape with an Imperial, and travel to a small village where I met him.

Bishop, a ranger who calls me "Princess," "Ladyship," and "Your Worship." I probably deserved it for calling him "Princess" first, but still. Through the entire way from Riverwood to Whiterun, he's been a pain in the neck. He even tried starting a fight with me and got hurt.


"So, Princess, why is someone like you in this country anyway? Cyrodiil or Valenwood seems to be more of your kind of places."

"I don't have a place," I told him coldly.

"Really? No place that you call home. No family or anything?" Oh, he did not just ask that! Two hours and he was already asking the wrong questions.

I grabbed his shoulder, angrily, "You know nothing about me!" My marks started to glow at that point.

He looked surprised. I took a deep breath and let him go before I burned him or worse.

"What in Oblivion was that?" Bishop asked about my marks. "I thought those were war paint or for decoration or something!"

"I don't have to explain anything to you." I tried to calm down; my marks dimmed down a bit.

"But now you know not to mess with me. If I feel like sharing my life story to a stranger, I'll write a book first." I stormed down the path we were walking on, and he didn't follow.

"Of course not. Why would he?" I thought as I continued to walk away. "I was a fool to think that by offering help, I wouldn't be asked about my past. It's a past that no one, not even the Gods, will ever understand. I'll just find my way around like I always do, minding my own business after I report to the Jarl. After all, the dragons aren't my problem. I just need to keep searching. No attachments, no worries."

Suddenly, I heard twigs snap. I sensed movement all around me. Wolves. How could I have left myself so vulnerable that a small pack of wolves was so close to getting the drop on me? The only weapons I had were a bow, three arrows, and a rusty iron sword, and the only spells I knew were self-healing and novice fire. It didn't matter. If I was going to survive, I had to give it my all.

Five wolves jumped out of the bushes one by one. One had already launched its attack, and I swung the sword as I dodged. Two others came at me at the same time, I stabbed one in the gut as I burned the other. As the one wolf burned, another wolf tried to attack me from behind. An arrow hit it before it even got to me. I looked in the direction that the arrow came from.

Bishop. He just saved me. I think I felt relief for a moment, but then the last wolf went after him. It was fast, and Bishop couldn't hit it with any of his arrows. The wolf pounced and bit him. I heard his scream and notched an arrow. I kept my hand steady and my arrow on my mark. I whistled, the wolf looked towards me, blood dripping from its mouth, and I released the arrow right between the eyes.

As I ran to Bishop to see how badly he was injured, he moaned from the pain, but then laughed.

"Alright, now it's really official that you are ill due to that bite. What were you thinking?" I yelled at him as I examined the wound.

"Not a bad shot for a princess. Didn't think you could actually fight." Bishop huffed as he bled.

"We need to seal up the wound before you bleed out. Now, this is serious, but we need to undress your-"

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