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I've decided since my phone keeps blasting about more ships I will be parking more and I will even do other characters reactions on different stories.
This has been most popular on my entire page which I never expected. Buuuuuuuuut one thing for sure that's been peeving me for a while now...............the rage in shipping
I have gotten quite a few messages for talking trash about shipping. Reminding you guys that we all have opinions even if we don't agree. I really really really get annoyed by getting a comment thats like "HOW DARE U NOT SHIP ERWIN X LEVI U DED TA MEH". im sorry That some of us just don't have the same opinion but we need to face the fact even I have to face the fact that people have different minds and that we should all treat people's opinions with respect because if you can't say somethin nice don't say nothin at all

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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