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Do you like the cover for the book or should I make a new one?

The same day...

Shivaay had returned from work and was in his room with Anika.

Ani: "soo how was the deal?"

Shiv: "why do you need to know?"

Ani: (thinking) hmm he seems mad I think my plan worked! Yes! She does a weird hand motion.

Shiv: "what are you doing?"

Ani: "nothing and anyways I have no interest in knowing about your stupid deal I was just asking if you don't want to tell me it's ok".

Shiv: "well if you must know then it went great I got the deal".

Ani: "what? I-I..mean that's...great".

Shiv: "yes it is".

Ani: (thinking) what how is that possible I changed the files, wait a minute did he find out?" A servant walks in.

Shiv: "yes?"

Serv: "sir there are some reporters outside they want to meet Tia mam".

Shiv: "ok you may go" he leaves.

Ani: "ok let's go!" She is about to leave when Shivaay grabs her arm and pulls her back. She grabs onto his shoulders but quickly let's go.

Shiv: "you can't go like this".

Ani: "I look fine".

Shiv: "you look fine like Anika but not like Tia".

Ani: "soo?"

Shiv: "Malia!" He calls for someone and a young female servant walks in.

Mali: "yes sir?"

Shiv: "please give her a makeover make her look more classy".

Ani: "wait wait wait are you going to make me look like-"

Shiv: "Anika just do what she says" the woman completely transforms Anika. Her hair was in a braided bun. Her lips had a red tint to them. Her cheeks were a beautiful rose colour. She had gorgeous smokey eyes. She wore a red gown.

Ani: "haw soooo much makeup!" She stared in shock.

Shiv: "just come" they walk out the door.

Outside in front of the mansion...

Shiv: "let them in!" The reporters rush in.

Rep: "sir sir could we have a couple photo?" Shivaay places a hand on Anika's shoulder sending chills down her spine.

Rep: "sir what about the deal?"

Shiv: "we canceled the deal because me and tia decided that it's a terrible reason to get married" the reporters asked many questions for an hour and then left. Anika and Shivaay were about to leave when a car stopped in front of the gates. Mrs kapoor steps out.

Mrs ka: "ha this girl is not worth being my Tia she can't even match her level".

Shiv: "what do you want?"

Mrs ka: "don't worry I'm only here to meet my daughter" Svetlana walks out. 

Svet: "mom!"

Ani: "that's her daughter I though she was way too old Aunty ji how old are you?"

Mrs ka: "I'm not your aunty!" She hugs Svetlana.

Svet: "did you do what I said?"

Mrs ka: "yes dear".

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