
26 3 2

"Why" She said

"Why don't you love me" her heart said

She thought

I gave you everything.

My body

My heart

And My soul

So, why

Why don't you love me

So, she fell to her knew

Wondering why he didn't love her



Was the only thing crossing her mind until,

She felt something roll down her face.

She said, "What is this, TEARS!?!?!?"


So she sat there wondering why she shed those tears.

" Why am I the only one to get hurt?"

So she sat there Crying, Sobbing, Weeping

Wondering just why

While she was Crying, Sobbing and Weeping

She didn't notice how the tears were not clear

But tears of blood

She shed these tears of blood

Because She didn't Know


Her Soul

Were already,



Smashed and

Pierced in little tiny


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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