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The wind picked up shortly after 9:00 on the evening of December 27, 2005. In a valley to the south of Zuma hills, small waves were rippling across the surface of Moreno lake. The man waiting in the shadows beside the water stretched out his hand to discover the direction of the wind. He had chosen the right spot to kill his next victim.
       He sat on the rock where he had spread out a sweater against the chill. It was a new moon and no light penetrated the thick layer of clouds. Dark enough for catching eels. That's what my Swedish play mate used to say when I was growing up.
          His ears, always alert, picked up the sound of a car passing some distance away. Apart from that there was nothing. He took out his torch and directed the beam over the shoreline of the water. Soon there would be more.
         He switched off the light and tested mind-exactingly trained-by thinking of the time. Three minutes past nine he thought. Then he raised his wrist and checked the display. Three minutes past nine-he was right of course. In another 20 minutes it would be all over. He had learned that humans were not alone in their need for regularity. Wild creatures could even be thought to respect time. It had taken him 3 months of patience and deliberation to prepare for tonight's sacrifice. He had made himself their friend.
      He switched on the torch again. There were more patches, they were coming nearer to the shore. Briefly he lit up the Two petrol containers he had brought with him. He switched of the light and waited for them to come nearer.
       When the time came, he did exactly as he had planned. The women had reached the shore and were looking around. Probably looking for him. There were facing the shore. Good. Easier for me to kill them.
     Now. he got up, walked as if he was afraid of the ground, quietly he picked a stick up from the ground. He moved like a lion coming after his prey. He got closer, raised the stick up and hit both women at the back of their head which sent them into an oblivion of pain. They both fell to the ground simultaneously.  They screamed in pain. Holding their head in between their hands.
He took out the knife he had hidden in his boots.
When the blond raised her head and saw him, she wanted to say something but couldn't, due to the pain. All that came out of her mouth were muffled with her cry of pain.
He moved closer to them with a sinister smile. He sat down beside them. He sat in the Indian worship position.

"Why are you doing this?". The red head managed to say.
After a moment of silence, he replied "Because you deserve it."
"What did we do to deserve this. You are our friend."
"Why?!!!" She screamed.
"Because you time on earth is over. You need to go to hell and burn".

He looked at her.
He first plunged the knife into the blond one. With a sinister smile on his face. He plunged the knife into her again, screaming, as if it was him who was being stabbed. Then he used the knife he was holding and cutting into her chest and removed her heart.

Looking up he could see the red headed crawling away from him. He went after her grabbed her from the back of her hair. And threw her down, right next to the blond one. He did the same thing to her, but hers more sinister and painful.

     He took a container of petrol in each hand and splashed them with petrol, he brought a lighter from his hand and threw it on their bodies. Smilling he looked up to the sky and said "this is for you god"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2018 ⏰

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