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After Kc and I had our outbursts of sad emotions, and consoled each other...we finally made it back to the barn where I could get off the horses and rest my sore ass. Even though she felt bad for me, she couldn't help but laugh at me, for being such a tenderfoot, as the country folks called it. I helped her put the horses up, and gave them fresh water and some hay, then I found myself wanting to hold her hand as we walked back to the house. She didn't say anything about it, and let me so I figured it was alright. Right when we made it to the pond in the front yard I immediately saw a new car parked out front, and knew who's car it was, but had no idea how he found out I was there.

Kc raced me to the house to see what was going on, because she didn't know that vehicle at all, and asked me how I knew who's vehicle it was. I told her it was my buddy Sully's car, but what I didn't know was why or how in the hell did he find out where I was. As soon as I said Sully, she knew instantly, and said that a guy named Sully was dating her cousin Sandy. Then she remembered that Sandy had told her that he was supposed to have made it down here to be with her for a while. I gave her a slight chuckle and said that her cousin was dating Salvatore Paul Erna from Godsmack! Kc shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't know because she's never met Sandy's boyfriend. Then she added how cool it would be if she was dating him though, because she was a huge Godsmack fan, and knew Sully Erna when she saw him.

When we made it to the front porch all we could hear was two guitars dueling very loudly in the living area...I gave a slight chuckle and told Kc that Sully and Stoney were at it again. Kc walked into the room first, and sat down beside Tommy who was watching them duel with their guitars. Rachel was sitting beside Klayton cheering him on, and Sandy was sitting in Sully's lap rooting for him. JD was sitting with Kim cradled in his arms just listening to them argue thru their guitars while laughing at them both. Costa was sitting beside our mother with Johnny sitting on his lap clapping loudly trying to keep up with his other two silly ass adopted uncles guitar playing. I just continued to stand in the doorway while watching them go at it.

Until Sully looked up and saw me, then he jumped up very quickly and dropped his guitar and Sandy on the floor and ran over to me and jumped in my arms and very comically said how much he missed me while hugging and kissing on me...I dropped him flat on his ass and told him never to do that again...that it was wrong in every language. He stayed on the floor for a moment while rubbing on Hammie who managed to sneak his way out of my bedroom, then hopped back up and said he knew I loved and missed him too, then he sat down again and asked me where my other half was at. Because he's been on tour for a year or more and didn't know that Shaunyl divorced me, and was taking Johnny away from me. So I told him, beens it wasn't really a secret anymore.

Sully looked down at the floor and told me how sorry he was to hear that. Then he reached over and picked Johnny up from Costa's lap and said he was sure gonna miss the little guy...as he gave him a few tosses into the air and caught him again...I grabbed my son from him and changed the subject to his ex-wife Sarah Davis, and his daughter Skylar, and if they ever got that mess settled, because he's been in a very long custody battle over her for almost 2 years. Sully grumbled and said he still had her on the run, but it was going to be another month before the next hearing, then added that Judge Randall really hated his ass, and he was a little bit worried that the judge would roll over on him, just for that reason. 

I told him that the judge couldn't get away with that, because it was discrimination, and he could be removed from his case, which would set the trial period an extra couple months but he would have a better chance at getting his little girl back. Sully shook his head, but also said he didn't want to make Skylar stay in that damn child services any longer than she had to, because until the trial was over with, that's where she was at. Because she couldn't stay with either parent while they were fighting for her. Sandy looked over at him in mild shock, and said she didn't know he had a little girl, or that he's ever been married for that matter. Sully gave her a wicked smile, as he kissed her, and told her she never asked him.

Kim put her hand on JD's face and asked him if he had any kids, he said he had a 15 year old daughter, Dimi, that stayed with her mother most of the time, but he did add that he had joint custody of her. Kim looked up at him and asked him to see some pictures of her, JD gladly pulled out his wallet and showed her all kinds of pictures of his little girl...but the most adorable picture was of her when she was a baby with me beside her with my long hair wrapped all around her. JD chuckled and said that's where she would be most of the time was hiding in her uncle's long hair. Then mom added that it was also the only place where she would sleep hiding under my hair while laying across my shoulders. I just gave a slight smirk, and said it was good times, especially when Lynn would run all thru the damned house screaming frantically for her but she wouldn't make a sound because she wanted to stay hidden in my long hair.

 I just gave a slight smirk, and said it was good times, especially when Lynn would run all thru the damned house screaming frantically for her but she wouldn't make a sound because she wanted to stay hidden in my long hair

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