First day of 6th grade

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It was 6:00 am I woke up from my alarm. I was excited for my first day at middle school all the people I could meet and visit my friends. I got up very quickly and got dressed. I had an extra 10 minutes. I was excited I had so many thoughts going through my head. What are my teachers like? Who to meet at school? Do you remember your locker combo? Remember where your classes are? I made some musicallys and headed for the bus stop. I rode on bus 1. It was one of the elementary buses. (not saying my old school cuz I don't want to b stalked) I asked people how there summers was and finally got to school. We did some stuff in the gym getting to know everyone. We went to our tiger time. I saw some new faces and old faces. We spent about 1-2 hours in there. Then we did a tour around the school. My tiger time went into some classrooms and then the boys and girls went into there right locker room. It was the end of the day. I went home and played on my phone till I fell asleep.

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