Beck's Adventures in Coffee

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Eli was extremely pleased to have found himself running into Beck many more times after that experience.

He thought their friendship was progressing rather well. Though, he knew Beck would probably disagree, being the grumpy vamp he was.

On this particular day, Eli was positively tickled-pink to find his favorite little hate-filled vampire whilst wandering the park on one chilly morning.

The vampire in question was sitting on a bench cuddled in a thick winter jacket, his dark blue eyes pointed down at his booted feet, seemingly lost in thought.

"Beckingham!" he shouted, grinning as Beck's head snapped up, his eyes wide as they zeroed onto the other vampire and his face quickly morphing into a miffed scowl.

Eli came to a stop by the bench Beck had claimed, "How's my favorite scowly-vampy on this fine day?"

"Are you actually fucking stalking me?" Beck sneered at Eli, his right fang peaking through his curled lip.

Eli put his hand over his heart in feigned hurt, jutting his lip out into a pout, "I'd never!" his pout turned into a sly grin as he tossed his arm on top of the younger vampire's head, "Admit it, Beckingham, you missed me,"

Beck pushed his arm away roughly,  "I'm not your fucking armrest."

Eli pulled his arm back, instead, he rested it on his hip akimbo completely nonplussed, "What're you doin' out here this early anyway?"

Beck breathed out a harsh, annoyed breath, "The fuck is it to you?"

Eli shrugged carelessly, moving to stick his chilled hands into his sweater pockets, "Dunno,"

"Then..." Beck drawled with his 'are you fucking slow' expression, "can you fuck off or are you waiting for me to give you a gold star?"

"Actually," Eli said, showing off his fangs in a cheesy grin, "I was making my way to this little cafe that I adore just down the way and I was wondering if you'd care to join me?"

"If you were the last fuckin'  person alive on this godforsaken planet, I wouldn't want to go with you." Beck deadpanned gruffly, blowing into his hands. Eli couldn't imagine as to why, his breath would be just as cold, after all. Habit, he supposed.

"Well, good thing we're both good and dead already, huh?" Eli responded, undeterred.

"No means no, asshat." Beck groaned, "Can't you just let me be?"

"Nope!" Eli grinned, looping his arm with Beck's, "Okily dokily, let's go turn that frown upside down!"

Eli then dragged Beck with him, kicking and screaming the whole way.


The duo entered the quiet little cafe, a bell sounding their-somewhat begrudging- arrival.

"Good morning!" The blond-haired waitress greeted cheerfully looking none-too-worried about kidnapped half of the duo.

Eli kept a firm hold on his down-trodden self-proclaimed friend as he lifted his other hand up, "Good morning! You look lovely this morning!"

The waitress blushed, waving her hand playfully at the vampire, "You're such a flirt, Elias. You're making your friend blush!"

Eli looked to his left, and a grin split his face in two when he saw Beck crossing his arms with a scowl, a scarlet blush heating his pale cheeks. Who knew vampires could blush? It was news to Eli.

"Aw~" Eli cooed, wrapping his arms around Beck's neck to rub his cheek on the shorter's, "Is little Beckingham embarrassed?"

Beck pushed him away with a harsh bop on the nose, grumbling, "Shut the fuck up..."

The waitress giggled softly, stepping from behind the counter to point them in the direction of a window booth, "You can go ahead and get seated, and I'll be right over to take your orders."

Eli nodded gratefully, grabbing Beck's shoulder as the brunette tried to sneak away and steered him towards the window booth.

Beck tripped-gracefully-into the booth Eli shoved him into the direction of, glaring at the redhead from under his bangs.

Eli looked through the menu, "What're you getting, Beckingham?"

"Don't call me that," Beck muttered, looking through the drink menu that he admittedly didn't understand a word of.

"So?" Eli asked,"Whaddya gonna get?"

A crease formed between Beck's eyebrows, "Green tea. plain." he figured it was a safe choice.

Eli looked at him like he'd killed his puppy, "Tea? No real man drinks tea."

Beck  gave him a deadpan stare, "No real man spends his time in a girly cafe either, fuckin' prick."

Eli waved his remark off. Instead, he asked, "Have you ever had coffee before, Becky?"

"No" Beck grunted, "Heard it tastes like shit."

"Oh no!" Eli gasped, "That simply won't do!"

Eli waved the waitress over frantically, "Miss, it's an emergency! Beckingham has never had a hearty dose of caffeine! We need a double-shot vanilla frappuccino and a vanilla cappuccino stat!"

The waitress had a look of determination about her as she nodded dutifully, a hint of pity in her eyes as they flickered briefly to Beck before rushing off exclaiming, "We've got a fresh caffeine addict! double-shot vanilla frappe and a vanilla cappuccino, Now!"

The back kitchen immediately burst into motion as Eli took Beck's hands, looking the younger vampire in the eye imploringly, "It's okay, Beckingham, I'll give you all of the things you were deprived of as a child."

Beck ripped his hands away with a snarl, "I wasn't deprived, you shit."

Eli's face just got more sympathetic, if at all possible, as he patted the irrate vampire on the shoulder, "Sure you weren't."

A different waitress came speed-walking towards their table, a drop of sweat trailing down her neck as she hurriedly set the drinks down, "It's on the house!"

She and Eli shared determined looks as the waitress marched away, disappearing into the back where the other waiters and waitresses waited, watching the displeased vampire.

Beck looked down at the light tan drink, topped with a plentiful dollop of whipped cream, a striped straw sticking out the side.

Eli looked like an excited puppy as he watched Beck grab the straw with obvious distaste.

Beck's face scrunched up as if it physically hurt him to wrap his thinned lips around the straw, slurping the sweet liquid into his mouth.

Beck made a face and Eli held his breath, "...How is it?"

Beck dark blue eyes flickered up to meet Eli's anxious browns and shrugged, "It could use some blood,"

"But...?" Eli prompted excitedly.

"I guess it's not complete shit." Beck said finally.

Eli grinned, barely refraining from doing a distracting happy dance. 

He could live with not complete shit.

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