Chapter Two

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"Ashton he doesn't want to see me. He made that perfectly clear this morning. I can't go back there. I can't stand to face him, I fear that if I see him once more I'll break down in tears and beg him to come back to me. I can't be the sad boy who's still in love with his highschool sweetheart. I just, I just have to go Ash. I'll call you tomorrow. "
Luke hung up the phone with a sigh. He didn't even know if Michael would open the door up if he came back. After an hour of making a list of 'pros and cons' of trying to communicate, he decided to just write a letter and slip it under his door.

"Mikey, I know hate me and for that reason I still don't know. I know you still don't remember everything that happened before the incident. But we were in love. We went everywhere together, Everytime I think of our first date I still shed tears. Everytime I think of you, I breakdown. I can't bear to think of the times we've had. You deny remembering any of them, I know somewhere inside you still remember. I love you, but I can't keep playing this game of cat and mouse. It was ridiculous of me to come, I knew you wouldn't want to see me. I thought it would be worth a try. I'll be at the McDonald's on St. Charles Ave. Tomorrow at 6, my flights at 8. Meet me there. " ~Love Luke

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