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ARIES: march 21–april 19. the leaders of the pack, first in line to get things going. whether or not everything gets down is another question altogether, for an aries prefers to initiate than complete.

TAURUS: april 20–may 20. loves the rewards of the games. thinks physical pleasures and material goods, taurus revel in delicious excess. they are very tactile.

GEMINI: may 21–june 20. expressive and quick-witted. sometimes have two different personalities. they are sociable, very communicative and ready for fun with a tendency to suddenly get serious and thoughtful. they are fascinated with the world and extremely curious.

CANCER: june 21–july 22. cancer is all about home. they are the 'roots' kind of people and take great pleasure in the comforts of home and family. they are maternal, domestic, and love to nurture others. are deeply intuitive and sensitive.

LEO: july 23–august 22. leos are warm, action-oriented and driven by the desire to be loved and admired, they have an air royalty about them. they love to be in the limelight, which is why many of them make a career in the performing arts.

VIRGO: august 23–september 22. virgos like to he exact about things. forever the butt of jokes about being nit picky and critical. but their 'attention to detail' is to help others. they are one of the most careful signs, and have a methodical approach to life.

LIBRA: september 23–october 22. libras are very peaceful and fair and hate being alone. partnership is very important for them and are fascinated by symmetry and balance. they are in a constant chase for justice and equality.

SCORPIO: october 23–november 21. scorpios are very passionate and assertive people. they are determined and decisive and have always been great leaders. they are always aware of situations and also features prominently in resourcefulness.

SAGITTARIUS: november 22–december 21. they are very curious and energetic. they are the biggest travelers out of all the signs, their open mind and philosophical views motivate them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life.

CAPRICORN: december 22–january 19. capricorns represent time and responsibility. they are often very traditional and very serious about nature. they posses an inner state of independence that enables significant progress in both their professional and personal life.

AQUARIUS: january 20–february 18. aquarius are generally very quiet and shy but on the other hand can be eccentric and energetic. they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others.

PISCES: february 19–march 20. pisces are very friendly and generally find themselves in a company of different people. they are very selfless and are always willing to help others without expecting to get anything back.

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