The introduction

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//Shortly after the events of season one episode eighteen//

My mom seemed different. She seemed like she cared more about me after almost losing me. Before I fell asleep she would constantly yell at me, and honestly sometimes I feel like she didn't love me. Now she cares about me too much, she texts me every ten minutes when I'm at school, and won't let me hang out with my friends after school. 

 I had been in a comatose state for who knows how long and all the sudden my mom was showing me a picture of myself, along with many other children, in the newspaper. Every single time she tells my story she takes a picture frame off the wall. Encased in the frame was the very same newspaper that was delivered to our house the morning after I woke up. 

The only thing that was consistently on my mind from that day on was who were the men in the picture. By that I mean, who were the two men that were in the background of the picture. When I asked Mom about all she said was "They're the ones who gave you back to me" I thought she was full of it. The doctors had no idea why this was happening so I assumed that there was no way two guys wearing poorly tailored suits could've saved my life.

//Some time during season six//

There was something about those guys that I couldn't get out of my mind. Something so familiar, so familiar in fact that I felt like i'd known them for years. I still feel that way now. I've been searching for these guys for almost six years. I only graduated high school last year and soon I will be heading to college. I've spent countless hours searching on security cameras from the day I woke up. The only thing I've managed to find out is their license plate number, it was KAZ 2Y5 as of 2005. 

From that information, I've learned that since 2007 the car has been under the radar. That is if they haven't changed their license plate. I have also learned that they never stay in the same town for more than a couple of weeks, and the towns that they show up in are always at their worst. Unexplained deaths or signs of Armageddon. All very comforting things. 

I've visited the places they've been seen on summer vacation or winter break, I'm usually studying during spring break, and I've never been given a name or occupation for either of them men. Actually I do have occupations. Dozens of them. I've heard agents, grief counselors, health inspectors, insurance collectors, and heroes. There's more but currently I don't have the brain power to list all of them. The names I've been given are too specific to remember individually the only ones I distinctly remember are Agents Angus and Young. But out of every name and occupation I've heard there is nothing I can go off of.

All I can do is hope and pray that they turn up soon, or I'll go insane before I find them. 

//Three days later, during the events of season six episode seventeen//

I saw them and they saw me.It was amazing. I was touring the campus of The University of Pennsylvania earlier today and I was passing through Chester, Pennsylvania and I stopped to grab some coffee or some insignificant task and I saw them. They were walking down the sidewalks and acting very skittish. I dropped my coffee when I saw them, I figured it out I was getting coffee,  and I ran across the street dodging cars and ignoring their horns honking. This may have caused a couple of people to turn their heads but I honestly didn't care, I was too focused on the task at hand. 

I made it to the other side of the street, following behind them by a good one or two hundred feet. I almost cracked up when I saw the men stare at street performers for a little while and then walk around them leaving a a 3 foot gap between them and the people watching the performers. I followed behind them for a long time, making sure I kept a safe distance, until they stopped and turned around. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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