chapter 10

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Anne POV
*After classes i immediately go to dorm and i see Nira , Jinha , and Analyn waiting for me*

"Oh there you are Anne" Jinha said and immediately lock the door and let me sit

"Why do you lock the door ? What is happening ?" I asked

"Anne , Camille is already making a move to kick you out" Analyn said

"Yes , she is " Nira said

"Huh? What ? Why? How?" I asked

"Well she is the student Presedent in  this school and she and her members already making a move to kick you out because camille knew your a half human" Jinha said

"WHAT!?! but how did she know that im half human?" I asked

"Well we dont know any about that" Jinha said

"Well we don't have much enough time to still stand by , we need to make a move now too " Analyn said

"But i don't know what to do" i said

"Well we knew something about that" Nira said

"MR. WIZY " 3 of them said in chorus

"Mr. Wizy?" I asked

To be continue.............................................

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