Chapter 1 How We Met

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when we arrived everything looked so different it was everything I ever wished. Concentrate evie I came here for a prince and the wand and that's what I am gonna get.

"Welcome to Auradon I am fair godmother."(fairy godmother 

We walked inside and then I saw him.

"This is dough he will take u to your rooms if u have any questions ask him or me."(Ben 

"Well let me take u to your rooms."(dough

He looked at me and I looked at him back. Yikes evie concentrate your here to find a prince and just a prince! Although their was something in him that I liked.

The next morning I walked to science class. When I got their I saw Dough.

" hello evie pls take a seat next to dough."(teacher


I walked over and took a seat.

"Hi ." (Evie


"Hi I am Chad cinderellas son."(chad

"Hi evil queens daughter."(evie

He was perfect!

"Want to meet behind the bleachers after class?"(chad


After class I went to the bleachers and I saw him.

"Hey can i ask u a favor?"(chad

"What is it?"(evie

"U know I wish I could hang out with u sometime but I have so much homework can u do it for me? If u do we would have time to hang out."(chad

"Uh o ok." (Evil

Then he smiled and walked away.

"U know he's trying to take advantage of u. Do u?"(dough

"U spying on me?."(evie

"To be honest with u , Yes."(dough

"Well that's not creepy."(evie 

I walked away and smiled. I asked myself what was he doing spying on me? Well enough of that I had to hurry to do me and chads homework. After a few days I was heading in to science class and when I was looking through my purse to find my magic mirror it was missing!

"Looking for something?"(teacher

He pulled out the magic mirror.

"Thanku Chad for telling me that evie was cheating."(teacher

He smiled at me and I gave him a dirty look. 

"Evie I am gonna have to ask u to leave."(teacher


"No, let evie demonstrate to u that she has been paying attention by doing the test."(dough


"Thanks Doug."(evie

"Your welcome,"(dough

After the test we were dismissed but he gave us our test graded. I got a B+ on my test I went over to tell dough what I got.

"Look what I got!"(evie

"That's great i knew u could do it."(dough

"Yeah, i am going for a A+ on the next test."(evie

"Wanna hang out someday?"(dough

"Yeah,I would love that."(evie

I smiled at him and he smiled at me. Their was something in him that I loved maybe it was because he was so nice to me unlike Chad who just used me. Dough and me started hanging out more lately. 

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