Life's Complicated

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Scrolling through my iPhone as I roll on the bed.I groaned then spotted my 'Ex' Friend A.K.A that bitxh you always see hanging out with the guys taking a picture with her brand new iPhone 7s plus, lots of details right? Meanwhile me here handling an iPhone 4s ever since I was 11. I actually do not a lot have friends, that average girl who always gets a B+, and wears dark grunge attire. Unlike the other girls who use Snapchat, Instagram, and Musically. I use Tumblr, and occasionally Twitter.

I'm that girl who drinks a can of monster drink as a lunch drink, that girl who eats chips instead of an avocado sandwich, that girl who listens to indie and hip-hop genres, that girl who only has 5 mins routine. I only wear a hoodie and a pair of jeans. Last but not least that girl who is talkative to that one friend which is also my cousin.

Guess what?what? I'm single obviously...Why though? Probably because I look emo.What causes you to be an introvert? I don't know, adolescence?Am I in love?No, I am outlove, sounds corny eh?

I head to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Who needs breakfast when you have an energy drink?

I took my bicycle and hopped on it. I pressed the pedal to it as it started from the minimum speed to the maximum. School is actually not that near, so I just wanna' take a ride to school.I parked my bicycle in the parking lot for bicycles, and head to school. It might not be the first day of school but it's worth it.

I head to hallway seeing the ladies giggling and pasting photos of Harry Styles in their locker.I scoffed as I spotted them derisively laughing at me.Wait, why are they laughing?I spotted a reddish hue on my skirt. Didn't my period ended about 2 weeks ago?How is this possible?How did I not provided myself some menstrual pads?

I gasped and saw Damien holding a bucket of red paint, I cried as I ran to the Comfort Room. I took a varnish in the janitors' room and dipped a little bit of the liquid substance on my skirt. I dissolved but not that drastically. How could he do such things like this to me! He's such a dissatisfaction to me.He's like too immature for his age, shake my head.

I head to class and took out my Math book. Here comes Damien asking for my homework again.

"Hand me your homework bro." He smirked as he rushed his fingers through his brunette wavy locks.

"Don't call me bro." I glared at him and tossed my math homework on my desk.He hissed and then threw me out of my seat. I landed on the concrete floor as everyone laughed at me, I laughed at them sarcastically and pushed Damien out of my seat. They all became silent as Damien stood up.

"Are you picking a fight, you little nerk!" dude that guy's vulgar.He's already going on my nerves right now.I threw a fist at him as he landed on the floor.I sat back in my chair and brought out my Math homework.

Ms.Angeline, a 22 years old teacher with rosy blonde hair, flawless beige skin, and long legs entered our classroom. Actually all the geeks like her, especially boys. Somehow I think it's weird to love a person who's like a teacher and you're a student, even though you're like 1 year older than him or her.

"What's wrong with Damien!What happened here?!" She yelled at all of us. Everyone pointed at me as she told me to get out of the room. I sighed and sat on the floor. Thanks to Damien, I'm getting an F on my homework. Sometimes I wish Damien goes back to Spain. I'm going to describe him for now on.He has brunette wavy locks, Sparkling dark eyes, tall guy, and a curvy smile with his pearly white teeth showing off.

I can admit he's pretty handsome, but I don't like his personality, he got some bad vibe coming on.

^Lunch Time^

I stood up and went to the cafeteria.I was about to enter the cafeteria, but a girl pulled her hand out.I can feel my hands sweating and my heart pounding. She has those kinds of Asian eyes you call it monolid, right?Straight brown hair, and luscious red lips. I really admire how petite and delicate her features are, compared to Regina.

"Hey!" Her lips formed a curve then slowly faded.

"Heyyyy..." I smiled at her and shook her hand.

"I'll pay your meal for lunch, just select what type of meal you want." This girl is kind of gentle and compassionate. I grinned at her as we held hands and head to the cafeteria. I pointed at the meal which has mashed potatoes and meatballs. While she chose a salad, how vegan is she.

"By the way, what's your name?" I asked her, she blushed and chuckled lightly.I feel some creepy vibes right now.

"The names Chailai Somwan just call me Lai." Oh, so she's Thai...But she looks like a Korean girl I mean look how pale her skin is, and how slanted her eyes are.

"What's your name?" said Chailai. I gulped as my hands started shaking, I really hate having social anxiety.

"My names Halsey Scarlett."

After a while chit & chatting with each other, the bell rang as she stood up and waved at me as her hair flipped.I smiled back at her and head to class.

Guess who's in front of me?Damien Alvarez, that moronic moron.Just as I expected asking for my chemistry sheet.I scoffed then Damien yanked my precious blonde locks simultaneously.I screamed and slapped Damien's face.Here he goes again, picking a fight.

"I swear Damien, could you please stop bothering me!"

"You always swear." He chuckled and took my chemistry sheet.He ran downstairs like a little kid taking a candy away from another child.I rolled my eyes and smirked.He's always like this ever since he was 14 years old, like a kid running to the candy store before the store closes to be specific approximately 2 minutes before it closes.

I walked downstairs and spotted Emily...Emily with Damien's gang, they're all giggling and making inappropriate jokes. What a slot...h. I scoffed and went to the comfort room. As always, I spotted girls putting on some of those Kylie Jenner stuffs to enhance their lips, and other kinds of stuff I don't know what you call it since I'm not that interested in makeup.

Just a glance in the mirror and I'm done! I head back to class and sat in my seat restlessly. I'm so glad Emily doesn't have the same classes as me. I realised that Chemistry is our last class as I felt my inner-self screaming out loud as loud as a lion roaring. So yeah since the time is that fast, it's already dismissal, HORAAY! 

As an introvert, I ran back to my 'home sweet home' and sat down on the couch. It's so comfy as laying down on a pile silky pillows. I took out my favorite book at the moment and drank my tea which is flavored with mint. Tranquillizing isn't it?

I didn't realise my cousin was sitting next to me until I turned my head. He's actually sleeping while in his sitting position. I pressed my lips for a moment and shifted my eyes. So yeah... Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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