Chapter Four

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I woke up Monday morning to Maddie yelling at someone. Mom was on a business trip for a week, so our real dad was watching over us. "Why are you so god Damn protective?!" I hear Maddie yell. "Because Madison! I don't want you to get pregnant at 16! So no Gino after school!" our dad yells right back. I groan. "I'm not gonna get pregnant! Worry about Mackenzie who made out with a boy last night for an hour! She was making out with that Evans boy!" Maddie screams. "WHAT!?" My dad yells. "MACKENZIE DOWN HERE ONCE YOU GET DRESSED!" He yells up to me. I shiver. I pull a razor out of my drawer and place it along my wrist. I grab a tissue and put it under my arm. I slide it across my wrist and smile. It hurts but it helps. I clean the razor off then I pat my 18 marks along my wrist. I grab a light blue tank top with an ALDC sweatshirt and put it on. Then I grab black yoga pants and slip them on. I grab my silver sparkley uggs and put them on slowly. I put my bag over my shoulder and grab my makeup. I put on mascara, lip gloss, a bit of blush, a natural colored eyeshadow, and black eyeliner. I smile. I look normal, for once. I grab my curling iron and take it to the bathroom. I curl my hair and throw on a black beanie. I adjust my bag and head downstairs. "Hi daddy!" I exclaim at my angry looking father. I sit down in front of him and wait for him to talk. I see Maddie smirk at me from the corner of my eye. "Was it Mikey? Did Mikey Evans knock you up?" My father asks. My eyes widen. "No! I didn't get knocked up dad!" "Then why did Maddie tell me that Kendall and Nia had heard moaning from his room?" I shrug and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and head back out. "It wasn't me." I reply not caring anymore. "Then who was it?" "All we did was kiss." I say heading toward the door. The bruise on the back of my knee hurts worse than yesterday. I sigh. My side aches along with my knee. I walk outside as Maddie tells our dad bye. When she walks out, I push her to the ground and sit on her. "Why would you tell dad!" I scream at her as I push on her stomach. She screams in reply. "It just came out!" She yells in pain. "KENZIE!" I hear three voices yelling. It was Nia, Kendall, and Mikey. "Get this bitch off of me!" Maddie screams. Mikey comes and picks me up. I flail in his arms trying to get Maddie. "Baby! Hush!" He says embracing me into a tight hug. I cry into his arms. "Maddie, I'm sorry!" I say muffled. She hugs me as I'm still in Mikey's arms. I feel her nod at me. I know she knows why I did that. It was all the anger from mom. I sigh as she walks to Chloe and Paige who are waiting for her by Chloe's house down the street. Kendall and Nia had walked off a while ago. Mikey pulled my face to his and kisses me. He set me down and we held hands. His warm skin felt good on my recently cold skin from the wind. I leaned my head on him as he walked me to the bus stop. The bus was there a few minutes after we go there. He sat down across from his friends and Kendall and Nia. I sat with Kendall and Nia and they hugged me. "He doesn't know right?" Nia asked with a worried tone. I shook my head no. She sighed in relief. Kalani and Sammie got on the bus. They say beside us and laughed. My eyes must have been red from crying. "Mommy and Daddy's divorce still tearing you apart?" Kalani asked sassily. Faking a smile, I said back "No. But I see mommy's boyfriend took your spot of favorite." She smiled a bratty smile at me and turned away. For the first time ever, I saw Nia, sweet and innocent Nia, stick her middle finger up at Sammie. Sammie gasped. Kendall mumbled at Kalani and Sammie something about them being bitches. I smiled. My best friends would stick up for me through everything.

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