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10:12 - 9/1/17

Hello there my lovely sweets <3 So this book is about my rants about such as this and that. Yeah ...*awkward*..

Umm... so yeah. Just want to remind you lovelies that I'm still a 4th year high school student. A person who haven't still goes out from her shell. Yeah I'm that innocent. I don't know too much about myself. Really.. I do not really really know myself. I'm a person who is starting over in life literally. And want to have many friends. I may not be a good kind of person? But I want to help people. And that's all for now lovelies...


Yeah as I was about to publish this 1st part. I realize that it only take about 32 seconds?

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RantsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt