Chapter One

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"Either you're taking advantage of the fact that you don't feel pain, or you're just plain stupid and reckless." Jack grumbled.

I just stared at him as he patched up a huge gash on my arm that I got from killing police officers when we were on the run after a normal hunting turned into a killing spree. Jeff was going wild as usual and this time, it was harder to keep him from being still and he went berserk. Then Ben and Jack were practically enjoying the killings so I had no choice but to go after them.

Then got hurt in the process.

And now their blaming me for it.

"Seriously, Cal, why in the hell did you suddenly charge through a fuckin' mob of police officers?" Ben sighed, frustrated.

"If there's someone you want to blame, blame that blood-soaked white freak over there for stirring up stupid shit like that." I grunted.

"The fuck did I do?!" Jeff scowled.

"Oh, I don't know. Massacred random strangers just to bathe and dance in their blood? Not only that, but you also attracted the attention of police officers just for fun which ended up horribly because you even got Ben and Jack involved in your stupidity. They practically cornered you – all three of you – with guns and shit, and I just couldn't stand there and watch you three get hurt. Of course I know that you're immortals but that doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt. And since I don't feel pain, what better way to save your asses than butting headfirst to flying bullets while only using a machete?" I shrugged.

"Stop moving." Jack scolded and hit me on the head with the hard handle of his scalpel.

"We're immortals, yes, that's true," Ben nodded, "But you're not."

I shrugged, only to be hit by Jack again. So I decided to just stare at him. Jack was always wearing a black colored hoodie and a blue mask to hide his face. I've never seen his eyes, though, since the ones that were supposed to be in his sockets were now filled with oozing black goo. If I didn't know any better, I'd say its ectoplasm. His jeans had tears here and there, and they were rather dirty with what I think is dried blood. Even his sneakers were in a pretty messy state.

Then there was Ben who kept on nagging at me for being reckless. Frankly, I don't get why he cares considering that I don't think it'd matter at all if I was killed. He looked like he was cosplaying Link from Zelda then got killed after. Well, he did get himself killed back then, was what Jeff told me. I've looked them up in the internet for more info considering that they were quite popular in the internet.

To be honest, I never understood teenagers these days. Some were practically obsessed with these guys to the point that they'd practically do anything just to prove a point and defend their favorite Creepypasta. Also, there was one more thing I didn't get; I understand being called creepy but what's with the pasta? Well, I never found out 'cause I don't really raise that much questions.

"Alright, that arm of yours should heal in a few days, maybe even weeks. Just don't use it often as to avoid opening the seams I just did." Jack said as he cleaned the blood off his scalpels.

"Well, now that our damsel in distress is finally patched by our ever so reliable organ collector, let's get going and head home. I'm starving and I'm tired." Jeff chirped.

Sometimes, I wonder why none of them decided to lop his head off in his sleep or something.

"I'm an organ collector, too, not a damsel in distress, doofus." was what I heard myself saying.

But the argument ended there as we were already up and about, walking back to the nearest well and jumping in, heading straight for home.

And for the first time since I lived with them in Slenderman's mansion, I had a gnawing feeling in my chest area that couldn't be sated no matter how many hearts I chewed on.

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