The team Powers, Equipment, and Back Story

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The Powers And Equipment:

Michael Greenwood:

Expert at hand to hand combat and weapons.

Enhanced reflexes and senses, and has high resistance to damage due to training.

Golden Blade is a unique sword that only the chosen hero can wield, and it allows a unique light magic.

Has a unique type of light magic that allows him to coat his blade making it sharper and stronger, or he can use his hands to blast opponents with light magic.


Enhanced brain, making her smarter.

Due to being smarter, she is also good at combat and analyzing. She can make many machines and gadgets.

Due to bonding with an alien life form, she is able to create weapons and armor from the alien life form. It even allows her to fly.

Has regeneration, but it takes longer depending on how serious it is.


She has polymorphism. This allows her to shape her body into different shapes, like Elastic Man.

Trained in combat, so she is a good fighter.

Has regeneration, but it is long and painful.


Ability to control plants. This allows him to use them as soldiers, or as weapons. He is also able to make plants appear from his limbs so he can always have weapons.

When angered, the plants he controls will turn more hostile, and due to the increased aging effect, the plants used will die.

Can communicate with plants and animals.

Cosmic Bullet:

Enhanced reflexes and senses.

Able to control cosmic energy, so it gives him super powers.

Cosmic powers allow really fast flight, enhanced strength, and allows him to blast opponents.

Able to survive in space, and even underwater.

Enhanced resistance, and strength.

Haywire: (Longest List)

He is a highly intelligent robot. His high intelligence allows him to be able to create many weapons and gadgets and even hack into machines.

His body can transform into many small vehicles. He can also transfer his mind into computers and machines to go inside them. Using special waves, he is able to locate things.

He has different forms he can access. Flight makes him able to fly at speeds surpassing 200 mph, but attack and defense are the same. Defense makes him as hard as an iron wall, at the cost of speed, so he is very slow. Speed allows him to be able to run at a speed of 400 mph, but his defense is lowered so much, he can be defeated in two hits. Swimming makes him able to swim at incredible depths, but attack and defense are the same, and on land, he is very slow. Strength makes him more muscular and bigger, and he is able to life massive objects, but due to his size he doesn't feet in small spaces. Stealth makes him skinnier, and improve his stealth and speed. He is able to go around not making any noise, and when still will camouflage. Stealth will lower his defense so much, he can be destroyed in one hit.

Blizzard Queen:

Capable of forming ice that is as strong as iron, and capable of resisting high temperatures. She can use it to create weapons, armor, and more complicated stuff out of ice.

Capable of controlling the temperature around her, being able to decrease it to multiple times below zero.

Capable of forming small blizzards and snow.

Increased reflexes, senses, and trained in special martial arts. Also, has high resistance, and is trained with using her powers.


Capable of controlling crystals that have a resistance like that of titanium.

He has high resistance due to his body actually being made of the crystals themselves.

He has soul sight, soul absorption, and soul energy regeneration.

He is also trained in combat and has incredible strength.

He can use his crystals in many ways, like armor, weapons. Even capable of creating structures and launching shards at high speeds. He resembles a Petro Sapien in abilities.


Trained in combat, also has high resistance.

He is able to generate green lightning and shape it into weapons such as whips.

He is able to run at amazing speeds, reaching 400 mph, and leaves a trail of green electricity.

Backstory Of Most Characters

Michael Greenwood:

Michael Greenwood was the son of the chief of the Infiniverse Police. So he had a lot of responsibilities thrown at him. From a young age, train to be a master in hand to hand combat, swordsmanship, guns, and anything else that had to learn in order to be part of the Infiniverse Police. Responsibilities got even bigger since he was the chosen one to wield the Golden Blade. The Golden Blade can only be used by the chosen one and gives him the ability to use a special light magic.

After the tragic event where they fought an enemy they couldn't beat, Michael lost his father. He left the Infiniverse Police, and went as a lone hero around the Infiniverse, using the Golden Blade to provide help wherever it is needed.

Techna Hawk:

Coming from an Earth that has more advanced technology. Lilith was smart like everyone. One day an alien species that resembled a silver goo crash landed into Earth, Lilith found it. She befriended the alien named Slick and used him to improve her inventions. Exposure to the alien improved her own intelligence. When space bounty hunters came for the alien, they destroyed her home and house. Believing she and Slick were dead, they left the planet. In fact, Slick had merged with Lilith and her inventions, saving her. He changed her appearance and made her taller so no one would recognize her.


Sol is part of the Vitaancer tribe. At first he was cold to humans, but he has learned to accept them. Some of his past is unknown.

Cosmic Bullet:

Mario Alejandro used to be a normal human. Son to a brilliant scientist he was invited to his laboratory. When a machine malfunctioned, he was blasted with cosmic energy. The next day, he noticed his powers. He now protects the universe as the Cosmic Bullet.


His backstory is unknown.

Blizzard Queen:

Alice Rose was the strongest ice mage in the entire world, she was even capable of protecting her universe. She had mastered the art of ice and is able to defeat the strongest opponents.


Shard is a mysterious being who was brought to life after a powerful soul crystal merged with a dead body of a human boy on Earth which had been under attack from extraterrestrial creatures.


Ryan Smith used to be a normal kid. One day he lost his parents after what everyone said was a plane accident. The rest of his backstory is unknown.


Welp, i hope you guys like the new team and there abilities!!! So with that, Haywiretub out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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