Not throwing away his shot

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The morning was hectic for the four boys. One might think that you'd be able to have a relatively stress free beginning on the first day of school, but that was not the case. All of them were running around in different stages of panic, looking for misplaced pens or erasers and, in Lafayette's case, hurriedly washing his shirt.
"What did you even do?" Hercules asked exasperatedly when he saw what the other boy was up to.
"I spilled yoghurt on it!" Lafayette defended himself.
"Only you," Hercules muttered quietly as he walked off to find a sweater. "Only you."

John grinned at Alexander as he exited the bathroom, pulling a brush through his hair.
"I take it Laf is struggling?" he asked.
Alexander nodded, and gestured to the man in question, who had somehow managed to get soap in his hair.
John snorted, before giving his hair a final tug with the brush.
"Does it look alright?"

Alexander pretended to examine him, even though he already knew the answer. John's hair always framed his face neatly, even more so now that he'd brushed it. In fact, it made him look incredibly handsome. Hoping very hard that he wasn't blushing Alexander told him the truth.
"It looks great."

A few more minutes had passed when Alexander decided to leave. He always liked to be early, but he had to admit to himself that he could have stayed behind a little longer. It wasn't that he didn't want to stay in his dorm, but he felt like he needed a little while alone to prepare himself. Nervosity tingled in his stomach, even though he had no reason to be nervous. It's just college, he thought to himself as he slowly walked across campus to the main building. Just college, he repeated as he passed a few trees. Just college.

He assumed you were supposed to be a bit nervous. After all, he was just now beginning a new part of his life. A four year long part. But he'd be alright, he assured himself. And he wouldn't be alone. He felt the corners of his lips tug upwards as he thought about his roommates, who were undoubtedly running around like confused rabbits right now, preparing for college themselves.
He felt his nerves ease up a little bit. It would be fine. As he came up to the main building he slowed his steps, before stopping completely to wait for his friends.


So now Alexander is standing right in front of the college entrance. The wind is playing through his hair and turns it into a disheveled mess. Nevertheless he feels expectation slowly replace the nervosity in his stomach. As he hears footsteps behind him he feels himself start to smile, even before he turns around to meet the newcomers.

"God Alexander, there is no need to be so early," John laughs.
"Exactly," Hercules says. "There's still like ten minutes left, that's plenty of time!"
The four of them laugh before turning to look at the college building. Similar feelings shows through on all of their faces. Hope. Nervosity. Expectation.

Alexander tears his eyes away from the building he'll spend the next four years of his life in to look at the others. The people he'll spend the next four years of his life with. And the idea of it doesn't scare him at all. Neither does college. Not anymore.

He had made it here, and he would make it through. He would graduate. He would not throw away his shot.

Perhaps noticing his attention, the others also turn away from the building. The four smile at each other. The morning sun casts a golden light over them, making them glow where they stand. Alexander turns to John, who grins widely at him. Alexander returns the grin, and feels the warm sunlight play over his face.
John takes his hand.
"College, can you imagine?"

Thank you so much for reading this fanfic. I had such a good time writing it, and I'm really sad that it's done, but even good things must come to an end. If you've enjoyed it, please, send me a message and let me know. If you want to obviously, I'm not forcing anyone to (though I would be really happy if you did). I want to say that as mentioned in the first chapter I originally posted this story on I have only made very minor changes when I moved it here such as grammar mistakes and similar, but this chapter is entirely rewritten. Essentially I felt like the way I wrote it before made it end very abruptly and I hope that this version feels a bit more naturally. But if you want to read the first verson it's still up, the story has the same name on both platforms.

I've also written a continuation of this story called "Roommates since 2 a.m." It follows the same characters and what they're up to once school has started but it's basically a collection of one shots instead of going from day to day like this one. But if you want to read more about these historical dorks feel free to check it out!

Thanks so so much for reading, it means incredibly much to me. Take care!

New Roommates at 2 a.m.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora