book 21: HP and the cursed child

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september first 2017

the day harry potter youngest son went to hogwarts met scorpious and got sorted into slytherin
today it is 19 years later
so i decided that i must read cursed child on this day because then i would begin now not in the future not in past but exactly now so i did abd what a journey it was

this book has brought so much controversy because it was nothing like  some people wanted to see as  canon and i must agree although i like the book don't get me wrong it is not something i would see happening in the harry potter universe but rather in a fanfiction where a person makes up a entirely new story based on the charrecters in already writtin book there vision and that was definitely what this book was it was not written in jk rowlings style everything went way to quickly i almost couldn't keep up and eventhough it has been aprove be Jk rowling it is not a harry potter isk story and that was very unfortante but i would not leave to writter without giving him any regnosion
the is wel written if you look at as a different story then the harry potter series then it is a good book it grabbed my atention and i couldn't stop reading because i needed to how protagonists could pull themselves out of the mess they made

sorry for the mess i posted but i really wanted to get this up on #nineteenyearslater
maybe i will edit it later but probably not

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