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Where the fuck am I? It's fucking freezing. It's dark too.
"Hey! Dumbass demon! This is your fault isn't it?!", I yell at him.
"Heh, you don't remember? You were finally killed, about time I'd say," he responds.
"So you win?", I ask, though I already know the answer.
He sighs. "Sadly no.", Or perhaps not.
"What do you mean? That's what you've been trying to do isn't it?" "I'm dead! You've ruined my life trying to kill me! What else is there?!"
"You're death isn't even my fault."
"What are you saying?"
"I assume it was your idea of a plan."
"What plan, you fuck?"
"That's what I'm saying."
"Get on with it"
"That half baked plan where you tried to kill that boy with demonic powers. Powers your pathetic mortal body doesn't possess. Though that's changed now."
"What do you mean?"
He doesn't answer. Go figure.
To normal people what he said could be plain as day, because they aren't me. I could be dead, or I could not considering my stupid ass demon doesn't think he's won. He'd possess me and try to make me kill myself. When I was a toddler he'd do stupid ordinary mistakes but make them lethal. When I turned twelve he'd try to convince me his thoughts were mine and make me depressed. But now I'm fourteen and he still tries it, no surprise there. I make fun of him now. The things he'd say made me more secure I think. Because I knew those were the worst things he could say.
"You can't even do blablablah without messing up you suck haha!"
He's not very good at bullying. Fifty percent of the things he makes fun of me for is his fault.
"Look what you did! You almost fell off your own house! What are you doing up here anyway idiot?"
What he tries makes me mature faster. And advances my vocabulary. I don't get to go to school because I have to be watched all the time.
Although I don't know much about him (or if he is a him) I do know he's literate. When I was very young and neither one of us knew how to hide our thoughts from each other, I'd hear him read. Not very much, obviously. My parents wouldn't give me books. I was either to young or "probably couldn't read anyway" and as I got older I wasn't allowed because the books would probably give me ideas. He'd read signs and numbers so I knew what some things said and what a lot of things meant. So he's not all bad. It sure would be nice if his dumb ass would stop trying to kill me. I could be so successful then.
My parents wouldn't have to worry. They were the best anyone could have. They'd make sure everything was safe and secure. And if I went out I'd have an escort. They talk to me gently and never yell in my presence. They could have been like most people around here and let me run off and get myself killed.
I know everyone's not nice, our neighbors. Well not really them but their daughter. The neighbors are just as nice as my  parents. The other day I heard her telling my and her parents that they should stop being so soft on me and that idiots should die if they want to. I try to convince myself she gets punished for saying things like that. That can't be true though. They'd probably talk to her in a hushed voice and tell her she shouldn't be so mean. Of course she spits at them afterward. Of course they still give her praise for being smart.
Her brother is my escort. He's a lot nicer. Better to look at too. He has dark, short, wavy hair and a tank top too big for someone his size and he's not even small he's pretty average in body type. He doesn't wear shoes, just doesn't like them. Says they're useless and fall apart too easily.
"Once your feet get used to it, it's fine!".
I notice the surface of the water is getting lighter, just a bit. Is that what's coming for me? I still don't understand.
"Hey! Dumbass McFuck!"
"You gonna talk or what?"
"I hate you"
"Haha! The feelings mutual, kid."
I move around a little. Trying to go towards the light. It's like I'm floating, no I AM floating. I distinctly remember this feeling. My demon had mouthed off to some bad kids and they chased him into the lake. The difference between me and him, well one of them, is that he can swim. I wonder why he didn't try to drown me? It seems like such a good opportunity.
I must be under water. Is that what death is? An eternity under water trying to get to the light? Or is this what they call "limbo"?
"Yooo... Demon! My dude! Bro! You swim right? Could this by any chance be the thing called water? And if so, why am I not drowning? That's what happens right?", I ask awkwardly.
"Aha! Yeah I swim, thanks for noticing!".
I try to push myself towards the light.
"Puh-lease help, great Lord and savior, sir demon of awesomeness.", I beg half sarcastically.
"What can you give me in return?"
"My eternal thanks and the title of Lord and savior, sir demon bro or any name of your choosing.", I offer.
"Nobody wants your thanks and I'll think about the name...".
Several minutes pass...
"Haha! Are you sure my clever demon friend that you would not rather be called something popular from today's age? Ya know, Dave is quite a popular one amongst the ladies? I think it's very fitting. Ah yes, Dave, the demonic inconvenient bitch of a demon that wants to make you seem like a suicidal and ruin any chances of you actually being successful.", I say passive agressively.
Minutes of silence...
"I'm sorry! Very respectable, Lord and savior, godlike, Xylon sir! Forgive me, for I have sinned!",
"That's better", he says.
I feel the all too familiar feeling of numbness, complete numbness. And then the feeling comes back. Except I'm not in control, I feel everything but am completely powerless. It's how you'd imagine being in someone else's shoes. Or like second person point of view. Where the story tells you what you're doing and what you feel. I'm used to it.
If I had been young again I'd have thought he'd explain how to swim. I'd have to be an idiot to still think that after living with him for so long.
He pushes his arms apart, pushing the water rather. He kicks his legs in a rapid yet steady motion. The scenery above the water becomes a bit clearer.


Wooh I wrote part of a thing. I'm gonna write part 2 soon hopefully and publish that too. Yeah I mentioned my friend Dave but I didn't mean it in an angry way just in case that's what you got out of it.

I've had this idea for a while and have been drawing up characters for it and finally decided to put it into words. I know I haven't really described any of the setting yet but it's the prologue! It's supposed to be confusing! Haha

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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