Chapter 15

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*Austin's POV*

A few days had past in Miami with the most amazing girl. Today I had an interview about the tour. I couldn't wait to go public with Cass. She is my everything. I could live with her and music. Just like Justin, all I need is a beauty and a beat, and I definitely had a beauty.

It was only a few minutes until the interview and I was backstage getting ready. Cass was backstage with me.

"You look hot babe," she told me.

"You don't look to bad yourself," I said winking back. She looked down and frowned. She was wearing pastel short shorts and a grey v-neck.

"I do not. And I better not go on stage, because I do not want to go out there with you, looking like a hottie, and me looking like this!" She was overreacting. I kissed her to shut her up, and it worked.

"You are always beautiful. You could be wearing nothing and you would still be beautiful babe. Don't ever think you wouldn't be," I kissed her again.

"Yeah like you would mind that," She replied rolling her eyes.

"Hey! Nothing's wrong with that!"

"Go on stage loser. Good luck. Don't have too much fun without me." She gave me one last kiss before I headed for the stage.

"Lets welcome my dear friend, AUSTIN MAHONE!!" That's my cue to leave, I ran out onto the stage.

*Cassandra's POV*

I went back into the dressing room and watched the interview on the TV they had in there.

"Austin, it's been awhile," Jimmy Fallon said.

"It has, but I'm glad to be back."

"Before we get started talking about your music, I hear you have a new friend?" a picture of me and Austin holding hands came up on Tv. "All of your mahomies have been dying to know what's going on between you two. What is happening?"

"Well in that picture, you see me, holding a hand that belongs to my beautiful girlfriend." I blushed at the TV.

"There you have it mahomies! Austin is off the market! Tell me about her. How did you meet her?" Jimmy questioned.

"So I was going through twitter one day during my meet and greets. I was supposed to be hanging out with this girl, but she didn't show up. I accidentally clicked on the trending page, and I saw my name. So I clicked on it to see what it was about. #AUSTINMEETCASS was what it said. So I clicked on it and there was this picture. It had a picture of a gel holding her tickets to my show, and then below that picture it was a picture of her in the hospital. On the side it talked about how she was the person I was supposed to be with, but she got into a car accident. So I followed her friend and direct messaged her to find out what was happening. I found out what hospital room and everything she was in and I got some things for her, and I went to go see her. I walked into the room and she was laying there. She honestly looked dead. I started crying because that was the last thing I wanted to see. I set down whatever it was I brought her and pulled up a chair next to her bed. I held her hand and cried. I was begging her to wake up but nothing happened. I was there for about a half hour and nothing happened. My mom kept calling me, but I ignored her. Nothing was happening and I knew I needed to leave so I got up and put everything away. I was walking out the door and I heard he talk. I turned around and I was so excited. I hung out with her for forever. I don't know why, but I kept coming back." My eyes were watering. I was amazed to hear everything from his perspective for the first time.

"I kept bringing her things, and eventually got her out of the hospital. We were back at her house, and it just happened. She met the rest of the foolish four and we hung out all night. She lives with me know, because she's the only one left. I couldn't be happier." Someone knocked on the door. I got up and opened the door.

"Austin wants you on stage. Put this on quick. Leave your hair and makeup," a crew member gave me an outfit and I shut the door. I put on the dress. It was adorable. It was a flowy mint green dress with the back lower than the front. I put on my Steve Madden sandals and went out to where you go on stage.

Austin ran over to me and kissed me backstage.

"It's commercial break babe. Come back to the dressing room so I can change. Then we can go out together," he whispered to me.

We walked back hand and hand to the dressing room and shut the door. Austin ripped off his shirt. I admired his sculpted abs. He looked over at me and smirked.

"You like what you see?" He asked, chuckling a little.

"Indeed I do." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me. I roughly kissed him. He bit my bottom lip and deepened this kiss.

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