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'No body loves you.'

'Kill yourself, no one would care if your gone.'

'You're such a freak. '

All words Jin heard everyday. He was sitting in the bathroom deciding whether he should end his life or not.

"Maybe all of this would, go away if I just--"

'Don't kill yourself, you'll only make it worse.'


'What do you think you're doing? '

"K-killing myself, it's what they want.. isn't that what you want too?"

'No, who is they?'

"Y-Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok."

'Don't you have people who care about you? '

"Well, I do have my mother and my little brother Jungkook--"

'Don't you think their hearts would be shattered if they found out you killed yourself? "

"Y-you're right." He pushed aside the razor as he got up to wash his face.

"Thank you." He said as he smiled.

"Your welcome."

"I never caught your name...and what are you? " He turned around to face the male.

"It's Namjoon, and I'm another voice in your head just like the others."

"Are you going to hurt me?"

"I wouldn't dare hurt a precious angel like you. " Namjoon placed his hand on Jin's cheek wiping away the tears.

He heard a knock and turned towards the door.

"Just a second."

When he turned back he was gone.

"I hope I'll be seeing you again."

He opened the bathroom door to meet his little brother standing there confused.

"Who were you talking to, hyung?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

"Go to sleep, hyung will see you in the morning."

"Okay, Goodnight." He watched as his 8 year old brother walked into his room,closing the door 

As he walked towards his room he heard his mother call for him.

"Jin, sweetie."

Jin didn't say anything as he walked down the stairs with a cold stare. As he noticed Yoongi standing in a corner smirking.

Jin already knowing what his mother was going to say.

"Did you take your pills?"

'She's so annoying don't you agree? "

"For the last time they don't help me, they only make it worse."

"How are you suppose to know if you never take them?"

"Because they know. "

"You always bring up they, who is they?!"

'She doesn't need to know that. '

"It's none of your buisness!"

"Kim Seokjin that is not how you talk to your mother! "

'She can't tell you what to do. '

"I can speak to you however I want."

"Seokjin you go upstairs right now and take the pills! "

He angrily turned around and made his way to the bathroom. Yoongi following behind me.

He opened the cabinet taking out the pills. Ready to open the lid when a hand stopped him.

'You know you're not taking those. '

"But I need these, Yoongi."

'Who do you think you're talking to. "

"I'm sorry."

"Dump them in the toilet and flush it down."

Jin did exactly what he was told.

'Good boy. Now go to sleep.' Yoongi said as he soon disappeared.

Jin sadly smiled and headed to his room plopping onto his bed.

He wished he could see Namjoon again.


Another story.. yup. Hope you like It : )

 Hope you like It : )

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