Fitting In

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*Thomas's POV*

That video was fun! I'm so glad I helped Vergil! Although I didn't like that they were being rude to Slytherin's, did they forget that Jon's a Slytherin? And he's one of the nicest guys I know! Oh someone's at the door.

"Talyn! Joan! I almost forgot you two were coming over!" I said happily. "Hey Thomas!" Talyn smiled. "Thomas!!" Joan hugged me.

We walked inside to the living room and the sides appeared in their new outfits. "Nice outfit Vergil" Talyn commented. "Thanks" he mumbled. "Wow Roman" Joan said.

"Hey kiddos!!" Patton said while hugging Joan, "you like my new outfit?!!" "Ya it's great Patton!" Talyn hugged him.

"Hey Logan I like your new outfit too, and We're both Ravenclaws!!" Joan smiled. "Yes, and Talyn is also a Ravenclaw" Logan said.

"Are you ok my dark prince?" Roman suddenly asked. "Ya I'm fine" Vergil replied.

*Roman's POV*

I walked over to my boyfriend and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Babe, what's wrong?" I said quietly. "I don't know, I just feel off suddenly" he replied just as quietly. Luckily the room had gone silent.

"Anxious for no reason again?" I ask. He nodded and burried his face in my chest. "Anxi and I are going back to the mind, to watch some movies" I told the group. "You could do that here" Thomas said sadly.

"Not this time kiddo, when Vergil gets sad like this for no reason he need to be around less people, one or two at most, do you want me to come with you son?" Patton asked.

"No dad, you should stay and hang out with mom, Talyn, Joan and Thomas" Vergil replied. Patton nodded and hugged Anxi before going back over to Talyn. Logan came over and hugged him with a small smile. (Rare for Logan)

"I'm gonna check on you in an hour to see if you feel better ok?" Logan asked. Anxi nodded and I said bye to the others before appearing in my room.

*Logan's POV*

I hope Vergil will feel better soon, I don't like when he's sad. "Who's mom?" Thomas suddenly asked. "That's what Vergil calls Logan!" Patton said happily. "But, he's a guy, wouldn't it still be dad?" Joan asked.

"Yes, but Vergil has relayed to us that since he calls Patton dad it would be confusing to call me the same and I don't mind anymore" I told them.

"So you and Patton are his mom and dad?" Talyn asked looking confused. "Technically​ none of us have parents, but Patton was the first one of us to get to know Vergil, and he helps him through his panic and anxiety attacks. He has always acted much like a father to Vergil and treated him much like a son. Therefore Vergil has developed a father son relationship with Patton and since I am in a romantic relationship with Patton he has started calling me mom" I explained.

"Ok then" Thomas said.

*Vergil's POV*

We appeared in Roman's room and he set me on the bed before putting in Lilo and Stitch. He came over and wrapped his arms around me and we layed down cuddled up and watching a movie in his room.

I felt safe and happy.

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