Im sorry but... i miss you

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I truly miss you more and more everyday. We became so close, so quickly and you showed me a whole other side to life and culture that at this point I don't even know if I would be able to carry on without you in my life.
You are everything and I am nothing.
I worship you and your intelligent, strong, and beautiful self. If you were God, I would be you're most devoted, loving disciple.
I remember that first day, we started to truly talk to each other. I recommended you a piece of my heart, hoping you would like it. Hoping that, for whatever reason, you would start to like me and look past the sad, fat piece of shit that I am. But what am i? Who am I truly on the inside? The thing is... I really am just a sad fat piece of shit. I'm what I appear to be. A pathetic excuse of a homosapien. A waste of a vessel. I am a flawed disasterpiece and you are nothing shy of perfect. I miss you more than you could ever comprehend, but I am in no way, shape, or form even close to acceptable for you to even consider being a boyfriend, let alone a friend. If we were to marry at a certain point in our lives, I would wake up ever morning thinking "why did she pick me?" "she could have picked any guy she wanted, but she picked me." I'm sorry, but I miss you. I know I went off track but that is truly the way I feel. You are too good for me and I am a waste of space. We talk but we don't see each other anymore and I think that is the worst thing I could do to you if we were in a relationship. I'm sorry but... I miss you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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