Chapter four

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Chapter four
Jayden gave them the address
Jayden:just in case u guys wanna come
Johnny:I mean we can go live in the sleep over
After school
Annie pov:it was night it was time to go to the sleep over I packed my toothbrush my pjs and an 2 outfits it's the weekend i left Hayden house was a little far and I walked I had no ride I needed to use a G.P.S it started raining hard Kenzie was at their house and so was the orlandos how did they get there so fast I followed where the thing sent me the whole time I was going the wrong way I was cold I didn't bring a jacket or sweater and I landed in the woods I tripped and hurt myself I was shaking my hands where cold I mean it was really cold my lips were ice cold and I bumped my head with a rock i was bleeding i got dezzy and I blacked out
At H&J house
It's was 1 AM now
Jayden:has Annie come
Kenzie:that's so weird she called me she was coming where can she be
Jayden:I'm getting worried
Hayden:wait a little she will come
Annie pov:i woke up I checked my phone it was 1 AM my whole body was frozen I grabbed my phone and called Hayden cuz he was the first person a saw
Call convo
Heyden:hello Annie u coming
Annie:can someone pick me up I can barely move
Hayden:what do u mean
Annie:I'm really dizzy
Hayden:are u okey Annie what do u see
Annie:I'm in the woods on the floor and it's raining I'm cold
Hayden:I will be there
Annie fell asleep again
Hayden:Annie hello Annie
He hanged up
Jayden:is everything okay
Hayden:she lost
Jayden:go get her its raining
Hayden:I will let me grab a jacket
Jayden:take a towel and a blanket
Hayden grabs a a jacket a towel and the blanket then leaves Annie shared her location before she went back to sleep
Hayden pov:I got to where Annie was it was dark I turned my flashed light on and I found her she was sleeping on the floor I woke her up
Hayden:Annie are u okay
She touched his face in a soft way
Hayden:it me here put this on
He put the jacket on her wrap the towel and blanket around her
Hayden:u think U can walk
He help her up
To be continued

S it started raining hard Kenzie was at their house and so was the orlandos how did they get there so fast I followed where the thing sent me the whole time I was going the wrong way I was cold I didn't bring a jacket or sweater and I landed in th...

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