Chapter 3: The Closet

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Jeremy knocks on my door, and Michael answered.

"Jeremy?" said Michael in his pajamas, which Jeremy secretly thought looked sexy on him. "What are you doing here, it's 9 PM." "Well I figured since it's the weekend, we could still hang out after my date." said Jeremy. "Hey, what's the matter?" asked Jeremy. "Your eyes are red." "Oh, something just got in my eye." lied Michael. "Well, come in." said Michael.

As they were playing Apocalypse of the Damned, Michael started rolling up some marijuana, and then that's when Jeremy paused the game. "Michael there's been something I've been wanting to tell you recently." said Jeremy. "What is it?' asked Michael. "Well," said Jeremy, "Recently there have been these voices in my head telling me-" "YOU TOOK ANOTHER SQUIP?!" screamed Michael. "Oh, god no!" exclaimed Jeremy. "It's just that... Michael, I like you, basically." "Yeah, I know." said Michael. "No, I mean, I LIKE like you." "I..." Micheal turned as red as a tomato.

"Jeremy... I... I... truth is, I love you as well." admitted Michael. Then Jeremy turned extremely red. "So... what do we do now?" asked Michael. "What do you mean?" asked Jeremy. "I mean, well, you're still dating Christine." said Michael. "Well, I geuss we're gonna have to break up now." said Jeremy. "But-", Michael was inturupted when Jeremy gave him a light peck on the lips, which turned into a kiss, which turned into a full on make out.

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