Chapter 5

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Max ran through the halls toward the main room as fast as she could. "EVERYBODY NEEDS TO GET OUT NOW!!!" She yelled as she entered the room.

Liam just stared at her. "Uh, have you seen where we are? We're in the middle of space. There's no where to go."

"I have my ship, but everyone needs to get in it, RIGHT NOW." Max said, and realized she was starting to feel tingling on her skin. "Everyone is not safe here!"

"Why should we believe you?" He asked. "Two of our people are dead since you arrived."

"And more people will die if you don't come with me! I'll explain everything later!" She said urgently.

Just then, Tris let out a sream. "My skin feels like it's burning!" She cried. Liam ran to her.

"Liam listen to me. That is the sound of her getting sucked of all the nutrients and water and blood in her body! We need to get her out now!"

He looked up at Max and nodded.

"Good. You'll need to carry her." And she gestured for everyone to follow her.

Liam, holding Tris in his arms, Sage, Lucas, and Max all ran to the TARDIS as quickly as they could.

"Jesse! Open the doors!" Max called as her skin started burning...

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