The end

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This is the last chapter i finally got it out. i hope you enjoy it. The next Book will be called Howl

 For as long as I can remember I've been running. Running from my dad, running from my pack, running from love, most importantly running from myself and who I was. With my children here I can't afford to do that anymore. Especially not with James' family trying to take my pack by force and using magic to try and gain the upper hand. I wasn't going to roll over and let that happen, but I also knew when I was in over my head. Who knew how many witches James father had aligned with him, I was still learning. This is what mothers where for, I was going to be doing this on my own, well not entirely I had James I just needed my mother to tell me everything was going to be fine and that I could do this. I needed a mothers words of wisdom to get me through and that's what James couldn't give me. I sighed looking down into the crib as Cyrus began to get fussy. I pick him up gently and begin to sing him a song.

I stood by the bathroom door watching her stand over the babies cribs and stare tersely out the window. Her body stood stiff an rigid as she seemed to be thinking things over, I had several ideas about what it was but I didn't want her worrying. That would be like me telling the sun not to shine if I told her that though. Her body relaxed as she reached down into the crib to pick up a restless Cyrus She held him close to her chest rocking him gently. I walk over and wrap my arms around her as she begins singing.

“Little child, be not afraid

The rain pounds harsh against the glass

Like an unwanted stranger

There is no danger

I am here tonight

Little child

Be not afraid

Though thunder explodes

And lightning flash

Illuminates your tear stained face

I am here tonight

And someday you'll know

That nature is so

This same rain that draws you near me

Falls on rivers and land

And forests and sand

Makes the beautiful world that you see

In the morning

Little child

Be not afraid

The storm clouds mask your beloved moon

And its candlelight beams

Still keep pleasant dreams

I am here tonight

Little child

Be not afraid

The wind makes creatures of our trees

And the branches to hands

They're not real, understand

And I am here tonight”- Vienna Teng Lullaby for a stormy night

As Cyrus rested once more she placed him down in the crib before turning in my arms to stare up at me.

“I didn't hear you get out of the shower.” she says resting her head against my chest.

“I thought I told you to get some rest I was going to take care of them tonight.”

“I couldn't sleep.”

“I'm aware of that ever since they have been born you haven't been sleeping.”

“I just want to protect them.”

“You can't protect them if you're not properly rested, you can't protect anyone that way. I know you're scared but I'm here for you.”

“So am I.”

I let out a growl and push joss behind me ready to attack.

“Mom.” Jocelyn says stopping me in my tracks.

I glance from Jocelyn to the woman making a connection and seeing how much she resembles her. She comes from behind me and walks slowly over to her. “Mom what are you doing here, how did you get here?” she ask slowly.

The woman caresses her cheek and smiles down at her, “We will discuss this later right now he is right you need to rest.” She kisses her forehead and then lifts her hand up to where the kids crib is an a light shoots from her hands and encircles the crib. “That's a protection barrier, both of you rest easy knowing nothing will harm your babies. Now show me to my room”

Jocelyn takes her mothers hand and leads her out of the room, leaving me to realize that I just met her mother in nothing but a towel.

“Mom-” I began to say

“Hush child in the morning we start your training, I fear my returning here is a sign that something bad is about to happen and its going to effect the whole supernatural balance.”

I limped up the steps toward my house, whatever that bitch hit me with had me healing slowly and I was in excruciating pain. “How dare you show your face here after what you have done.” I hear my father say as soon as I step foot through the door. I ignore him and had for the stairs. “Where exactly do you think you are going, you will listen to me when I talk to you.” he says grabbing my arm and pulling me around to face him.

“Father I am not in the mood to deal with you right now, I'm tired and I need a shower.” I shake his hand from my shoulder and begin to make my way up the stairs.

“Listen to me when I say this boy,” I turn to give my father a hard glare. “You are no longer a part of this pack, not after what you have done.”

“You're just upset because I failed, but that's okay because at least I had the balls to try and do something you've only been dreaming about,” I say taking slow menacing steps toward him. “ It really is fine you won't have to worry about it anymore,” I say before ripping out his throat. His body falls to the ground with a dull thud with blood pooling around him. I hear my mother gasp in the background. She stands at the top of the stares a look a fear and shock on her face, I walk up the steps toward her. “If you know what good for you, you'll go back to sleep,” I say before heading off to take a shower.

I hear the phone ringing and I grab it before it wakes up the kids. “Hello this is James speaking how can I help you?”

“James your brother has gone mad he's killed your father, I fear this is just the beginning don't come back here.”

New Moon Rising Bwwm (under revision)Where stories live. Discover now