Chapter 4

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George Fredrick's POV

I began to chew my lip at the mention of not being able to find a soulmate. As much as I didn't want to think about it, I knew it was a possibility.

I scoffed. I felt a few eyes on me, which I ignored. Oh, if only these people knew what not having a soulmate could do to a person.

After a few more worrying questions, the clock hit zero. Everyone around me, including myself, stood up and began to scatter like scared mice.

Looking around, my expression turned grim. Everyone was finding their soulmates. Me? Awkwardly standing in the corner, which was unusual for me.

I turned my head back forward, and noticed someone about to back up into me. Maybe this is the one, I thought. Maybe I won't be alone forever.

Sure enough, they bumped into me. He immediately turned around, a light cotton candy blush on his cheeks. Our eyes met.

My breath caught in my throat. This boy was, well, quite the sight. What he was wearing was simple, but utterly perfect. A green polo complimented the classic jeans he was wearing. His seemingly fluffy red hair sat atop his head perfectly, covering his eyes a little. Looking at his shoes, I smiled for some odd reason. My eyes traveled back up to his. I blushed happily.

He coughed. "Can I, erm, see your mark?" he fidgeted with his hands and fingers, which I found to be an adorable habit.

I nodded, pulling my collar down. He studied it carefully, soon doing the same. Noticing his marks, I grinned wildly.

They were the same as mine.

I extended my hand and introduced myself. "George. George Frederick." he shook it, quivering ever so slightly.

"I'm Samuel Seabury. Well, Sam. You can call me, Sammy, though. Actually, my mom only calls me that. But you can too!" he rambled. I chuckled, still in shock.

"You're cute when you ramble, Samuel Seabury." I complimented him, putting my hand in my pocket. He blushed hard.

"You're cute when you compliment me, George Frederick." Samuel told me. I smiled.

We continued talking as such until it was time for everyone to leave. A lot of kids found their soulmate. I saw a few teens leave without a soulmate, either crying or nearly expressionless. I frowned a little.

Samuel and I walked out of the hall and into the waiting room hand in hand. We waited with the other kids, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

"What school do you go to?" he asked, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Brutner's School for Academically Advanced Students." I answered proudly. Widening his eyes, he gasped.

"Me too!" he replied excitedly. I felt my lips curl into a grin.

Every time our eyes met, I felt my heart grow. Our hands were like little puzzle pieces, and our hearts were the puzzle. I giggled every time he smiled, and my heart skipped a beat when he held my hand a little tighter. I knew the second he bumped into me, I was entranced. It amazed me how much we had in common. Not only did we go to the same school, but we lived in the same city, and had the same favorite movie.

After waiting, we got to exit the waiting room with our soulmates. I saw a few kids I recognized, such as Thomas Jefferson, walk out with James Madison. When it was our turn, I grabbed Samuel's hand and walked out.

I saw my mom and dad awaiting me, each smiling when they saw me walk out with Samuel. My eyes wanderer over to Samuel, who's gaze was fixated on one woman, who I assumed was his mom. I beamed at her.

In an instant, I felt Samuel's hand escape mine. He ran off to hug his mother, happily crying into her shoulder.

My mother and father nearly tackled me in a hug, their arms wrapping around me. When they let go, I gave them a small smile.

"I found him, Mom. I found him." my words were quiet, as if I acted like I didn't want to be heard. She put a loving hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, honey. I'm so glad. Your brother will be thrilled, won't he be, dear?" she told me, turning to my dad. He nodded and looked at me proudly.

"Can I introduce you?" I asked, biting my lip. They both nodded happily, clearly excited.

I led them over to where Samuel and his mother were standing. Mom and Dad put out their hands, which Samhel and his mom shook happily.

"Hi, I'm Samuel's mother, Ms. Seabury. This must be George." she introduced. I nodded and looked at Sam, who blushed.

"Yes, I'm Mrs. Frederick, and this is my husband. Pleasure to meet you, ma'am." my mom said in a formal tone, accent slightly evident.

"And I, you." Ms. Seabury replied, putting her hand down. Her eyes began to show negative emotion at the mention of my dad. My mind overflowed with wonder.

Our parents talked for an excessive amount of time. Samuel and I looked at each other with the same expression of boredom.

I looked into his eyes and saw stars. I felt like they only shined for me.

Hey, sorry for the late update. I had some school troubles, but I hope you guys like this one!

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