Memories Of 2015 (Episode 10) [FINAL EPISODE!!!]

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Rhett was sat in the garage lounge, He was looking through a scrapbook from 2015...

...Gage, Wyatt and Brandon (And even Jerry, For once) were also sat with him, all looking at the photo's of their adventures after the Epic Race

One of Gage's favorites, was when they were all standing on the podium at the Epic Race 'Hey guys look, That's the photo Larry took of us when we won at the Epic Race! Look at me with the trophy!' Gage said with a chuckle, Brandon then pointed to where he was in the photo 'Hey! I said to wait until I moved my arm!' Brandon groaned as he pointed out the fact that he had his arm around Gage's shoulders in the photo, Rhett began laughing as he pointed to his face 'OH MY GOD I LOOK LIKE THE MONA LARRY!!!' Rhett laughed, Almost crying from laughter at his face (Which looked like a Lenny Face more than a Mona Larry face XD)

...One person caught their attention though... And that was Monkey...

...Seeing Mokey posing on Rhett's helmet brought a slight tear to Gage's eyes 'It's so sad Monkey isn't here to see this...' Gage sighed as he small tear fell down his face... Brandon then wiped the tear from his face and kissed him lightly on the cheek 'It's okay Gage... I know that Monkey not being about is a bad thing, Even I'm also a little upset still... But at least you've still got me~'

Gage smiled and hugged Brandon '...Yeah, I guess that's cool as well...' he sighed as he sat back up, trying to hold the tears in for Brandon's sake...

...Jerry then burst into laughter and pointed at one of the photo's after Wyatt turned the page

'OH MY GOD! LOOK AT BRANDON IN THAT PHOTO!!' Jerry cried with laughter as he fell off the sofa, Rhett and Wyatt then saw what he was laughing at and cried from laughter when they saw

'OH MY GOD! HE LOOKS SO SHOCKED!!' Rhett laughed... Brandon looked at the photo, It was of the time a spider showed up in his car... He was in Gage's arms looking white as a cloud, and Gage looked a little red as he held Brandon off the floor like a fireman...

...Brandon began blushing and looked about him in embarrassment 'T-That wasn't because I was scared or anything!' He groaned as he curled up, blushing harder and harder as he spoke

'I didn't mind it~' Gage smirked as he winked at Brandon with a reassuring smile, Brandon just jumped onto him and wrapped his arms around him in a hug, Giggling like a happy 5 year old 'GAGE! Why did you say that' He laughed as he hugged his partner tightly in a cute manner...

...So much had happened over the last few weeks, And it was DEFINITELY NOT  The last time thing would go random! That's for sure!



I'm now gonna go start work on #ThisIsNotASnapScan.Com! SEE YA!!


P.S: THANKS FOR READING! (A Team Hot Wheels Series)Where stories live. Discover now