Another World: One Direction Fan Fic: Chapter Nine

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I slowly opened my eyes and looked up, seeing Niall's blue orbs stare at me

"Hey there good looking" he grinned

"There's another girl in this room?" I joked

"Shush" he laughed, kissing my forehead

"I'm going to the stables with Tara... What are you doing?" I asked

"Liam... " he trailed off

"Well, get out of bed then" I said

He got up and padded to the bathroom.

I went to the drawers, got some underwear and slipped that on before deciding on my outfit.

(To the right, I hope)

I got dressed before doing my hair and make-up

"Do you want a cuppa?" I asked Niall through the bathroom door

"Oh my, your offering? Yes please" he called

 I stuck my tongue out to the door and walked into the kitchen, turning on the kettle. I got the mugs, etc etc.

"This is good tea. You should make it more often" Niall said, popping toast in the toaster

"Good luck with that" I was munching on my Cookie Crisp (cereal)

"I better be off, Liam will kill me if I'm not there" he said, grinning

"Okay, have fun" I said, kissing him

"Oh, and I'm off shopping later, so I might be late back" I said as he walked out the door

"Okay, love you"

"Love you too"

I put everything in the dishwasher, shutting the door and turning it on. I got my horse riding equipment. I got Tara, and drove off to the stables, and as you guessed, we rode horses


I banged on Liam's door for the fifth time. He opened it and Danielle was lounged on the sofa

"Oh, sorry Niall I forgot about today. I made other plans with my girlfriend" he put emphasis on that

"Fine, get back at me, whatever. Hope it gives you the satisfaction"

He had a little grin on his face

"Sorry Niall. It was a mistake" he said

"What. Ever" I said, turning around

"Niall, wait" he said


"Sorry" he shut the door

I sighed, before trailing back to the car. I went back to the empty flat, and got out Tay's guitar, strumming random chords.

"Niall? she asked, walking through

"Why are you back this early?" I asked her

"After riding the horses, Tay met up with Zayn. What are you doing here?"

"Liam bailed on me... Thinking it was some kind of 'pay back' for me going to your mums..."

"I'm sorry" she said, jumpng on me.

"It's fine" I choked out, trying to get the air back in my lungs

She took one look at my face and burst out laughing

“You look like a hurt puppy” she said

“Shush” I muttered

“Do you want to go out for dinner?” I asked

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