Welcome Home, Rosie

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I bit my lip as I looked in the mirror.

You're a sexy bitch I told myself.

I pulled out my rosy red lipstick and began to apply.  I pressed my lips together smearing the red into both lips. This is the life. I have no worries. I'm ready to go out. I wondered if I should try and comb through my curly red hair? No that's not a fight I want to start not now.

Outside I go, back to the dance floor- the empty dance floor.
Back on the hunt. The need to kill someone tonight is strong. I've tried to suppress it, calm it , I tried to lie to myself saying I'm normal after so many times even I know I'm a fool for trying to believe that. When I get this feeling my hands shake, my hair looks like blood instead of it's light red color. When I killed for the first time my mom looked at me she saw the real me. I looked at her, I saw the horror in her face. Her love was strong maybe that's why she helped me hid my victims Susan was her name .

I sat at the bar and ordered my usual, a screwdriver I sipped it slowly insuring my lip in print was on the glass. That's when I noticed the figure in the distance as he walked in to the shady bar known as the Knock- Up. slowly I looked in his direction. He was tall with a buzz cut and light brown eyes that only complimented his brown skin , the thin polish of coconut oil seemed to shine off the small amount of light that was in the smokey bar. He walked over the the seat across the bar form mine. I fluffed my hair jumping off the stool I was going to make my way to him.

I walked pulling up my pink dress just enough to see some more leg. My drink still in my left hand as I got closer I started to smell him. He was officially a masterpiece. He smelled like what I imagine the best sex of ones life would smell like. I wanted a part of him. To taste him , was I wrong to want this?

As I came in for my final approach I knew I really wanted him in my bed. I sat at the counter next to him sipping my drink again. I looked at him as he looked straight across the bar at the mirror on the wall, "slap" I banged my  glass on the counter hoping to get his attention. Forward he continued to look as if nothing had happened.

"Hello, I'm Rosie."

He turned to me his eyes seemingly looking through me.

"Hi Rosie, Frank is the name. "

Smelling his breath was a privilege.

Shaking I spoke again.

"What brings you here?"

"No work tomorrow so why not what about you."

I thought about it, to myself should I just say I'm looking for my next kill before I kill some stranger just to get to tomorrow. I stopped not allowing myself to say a word as I thought again of my mother her voice banging around my mind.

"Rosie you can't get caught!" Is what she would always say as she drove me to end another life.

I snapped back to reality looking into Frank's eyes.

"Just girls night out."

"Then where are your girls ?"

"They left me all alone."

"Maybe I can change that."

He put his cold hand on my thigh opening the flood gates. He pushed down just enough to let me know his sexual intentions. With his other hand he grabbed my red thick hair pulling me closer.

In his touge went,into my mouth. We sat there licking each other letting our mouths explore their surroundings.

Oh he is a masterpiece I thought again. Can I not kill him though? Can I  go for another day without snapping and getting sloppy. With  a sloppy murder you're caught.

My hand started to creep up his toned leg. Higher I got, hoping to feel his third leg when instead I felt something cold, stuck to his belt it was,  his badge...

ROSIE 2: WANTEDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt