9 1 0

He was a cop or a detective. I couldn't kill him I needed to get off of him and get home. My mother must be rolling in her grave. I pulled myself off of him trying my best not to get lost in those eyes.

I have to go.

Why is that?, Did I do something wrong?

No, no you did everything right I'm just tired.

I started to get up pulling down my dress.

Is it because I'm a cop.

Those words I wanted to say yes it is I can't fuck you letting you in my house only to find a  shallow grave in my back yard under the tomatoes.

No, I didn't even know that.

You touched my badge and jumped like you saw a ghost.

I looked at him slowly getting up .

It's not that I promise.

With that I ran as fast as I could with 9" stilettos on.

Safely in my car I took a deep breath I was ok for now .

Getting home was a blur but I had made it back to my small ranch style home painted a new bright blue. Along with the floor of the outdoor porch. I was home .

The next morning I woke up early for work the blanket holding me tight keeping all the warmth in. I looked at my alarm clock as it did it's little song insuring I would wake up in time to make it to my desk so I could lie and sell some medication to old people.

I laid there wondering for a second, just a second if I would be ok if I lost my job? I lifted my arm to turn off the bastard of a alarm clock when  a quick breeze of cold air came rushing in only pissing me off a little more.

Groaning with each movement letting​ my bare feet glide across the tan carpet I made my way to the bathroom. With every step asking myself if I overdid it last night. Looking in the mirror my reflection told me what I needed to know. I 100% overdid it. I was still seeing blood I needed to kill someone. First I needed to get my hair in order.

As I fought with my hair I was stopped by a knocking on my front door.

Who is that? I asked myself

Mentally I went through a list of people that would come to my door this early. Family,friends things like that. After coming to the conclusion I have none of those things I was still at a lose. Then the knocking continued I slowly walked out of my bathroom to the window facing the porch. I looked waiting for the person to take a step back when finally they did and I saw who it was it was Frank from the bar.

Why was he here ? Did he already look in my tomatoes and find a finger? Do I need do to get my  "run  girl, run " bag ready? Should I just kill him. Sitting g at the window thinking about this the knocking continued now followed by a voice.

Rosie, I have your license.

With that I calmed myself down he was just returning my license that's all. I walked to the door looking at my scarecrow pajamas in the mirror that I had plastered to the the back of the door .

This should be ok. I thought.


Opening to door I was lost in his eyes again.

Rosie I thought you weren't home for a moment.

No just sleeping I might have overdid it.

Yea you might have, I'm glad to see you made it home safe.

Me too.

Well I have your license here.

He handed me the license.


I started to close the door when his foot stopped me.

I was wondering if you would want to go get something to eat sometime on me of course.

Oh yeah maybe I can kill a waiter. I thought.

I'm really busy.

We don't have to go out I can cook for you.

Your not letting this go? Are you?

Not a chance.

Ok, ok I give in ur place.

With that I quickly shut the door.

I'll put my phone number in your mailbox. He said through the door.


But I wondered in the back of my mind if this was a bad choice, either way I would find out soon enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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