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#1: please don't be just your character or OC. You can choose to be your OC, if you have any, but you also need to be a few more of the canon characters.

#2: please be very detailed and write in full sentences or paragraphs. 3-5 lines at least.

#3: it will be in third person P.O.V. I find RP's to be the most fun if done in third person.

#4: please don't make it all about your character.

#5: no sexual details or stuff like that. Please keep it PG or PG-13. Not R.

#6: please no details too graphic. Blood can be included, just no guts hanging out and stuff like that.

#7: please don't center the RP around your character. I find it very annoying and hard to work with if you do that.

#8: you be my love interest. I be yours. Just that simple.

#9: please be canon.

#10: do not kill off someone else's character without permission.

#11: Do not and repeat, DO NOT ask me to change my love interest.

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