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Dear diary,
It's Wednesday And because I ran away 5 days ago, there are rules set in the house now.
1. I have to be home everyday at 11:30 no matter who it is.
2. I have to do my homework e v e r y w e e k
3. I can't get more than 1 detention a week. I can't really get any but if I have to, it has to be one.
There isn't really a "if you don't do there rules, u blah blah blah" I just have to do them. But if I did have that, it would probably be "if you don't do there rules, u can't see Theo anymore" which is the last thing I want.
Liam walked into school holding Theo's hand like he does every day since Monday. Everyone knows they're dating and now people don't try to hurt or mess around with Liam since they are "scared" of Theo. They have both been so happy. Everything's going well.
"Okay, I gotta go to class" Liam told Theo. Every morning, they go to the back benches for the 7th graders. The 7th grades have to go straight to class when they arrive at school so no one is near the benches.
"No, stay. Please stay."
"But I gotta go to math"
"I'll teach you everything you need to know. I've passed 10th grade, ya know?"
"Theo, if I don't make it, I'll get detention and that could get in the way of us."
"Fine, go." They kissed and Liam walked away. He came back and kissed Theo a few more times then left for real. They haven't told each other that hey love each other yet. Theo never told anyone he loved them. Not his dad, mom, family. No one. And Liam never cared for love.
"Liam, you made it!"
"Sorry miss, I left some books in my locker so I had to go back and get them."
"Okay, we shall carry on." The teacher started writing stuff on the board. Liam understands this stuff now. Studying really does pay off.
"Dude, you've been using that excuse every day now" Mason whispered.
"No, I use it once with each teacher. They'll never find out." Liam winked at Mason and he laughed back.
"Books out, page 55"
"Stiles, hold up!" Lydia walked up to stiles who was trying to walk faster than he usually does. "I'm wearing heels, stiles. Stop moving."
"What's up, Lydia" stiles said, with no emotion.
"We haven't talked since we went to the ice skating rink. Talk to me, what happened there. I know you didn't get all mad only because you skipped school. You wanted to do something. What was it?"
"Please just tell me, Stiles"
"I wanted to tell you that I loved you. I love you, Lydia. And I really don't give a damn about what your gonna say next so you might as well walk away." Except Lydia didn't walk away, stiles did. Lydia just stood there looking at him walk away. That's all she did.
"Guess who." Theo's hands were covering Liam's eyes.
"Let me guess.. Hayden?"
"That's not funny."
"Oh yea, then why are you smiling?" Theo let out a little laugh.
"So how was math?"
"Terrible, what the hell is algebra 3. And why does algebra get siblings and I don't? All so weird" Theo smiled.
"So, Liam."
"Oh boy"
"Just listen. I was thinking, do you want to go to a party on Saturday? Your mom won't be home for Saturday, Sunday and Monday so I think you should hang out with me the whole day."
"She said take care of me as in the Watch out for me way not the Kill me way"
"Come on, please?"
"Sure, why not"
"Okay cool, I'll pick you up. But I'm not letting you drink."
"Oh no, I'm drinking. Your breaking one rule so I'm breaking one too."
"Ooh dangerous, I like it. Okay, I have history, see ya" Theo bent down and kissed Liam, then left.
"There's only one Saturday in a week." Liam thought to himself, got up, and threw away his tray.
"Yea, and then he told me he loved me. I bet he's mad at how I reacted" Lydia told Kira.
"How did you react?" Kira asked.
"Well- I didn't"
"What?" Lydia's answers are like puzzles. And Kira is not good at puzzles.
"I just stood there"
"Hold on. So, stiles tells you he loves you and you just stand there?"
"Pretty much"
Kira slapped herself across the face and Lydia rolled her eyes.
"The only people that told me they loved me are the people I'm related to. Not stiles stilinski!"
"But you just stood there."
"I know Kira, I was there!"
"You need to apologise to him"
"I can't do that. And I don't know what I'm apologising for!"
"We are going to him after school and you are gonna tell him that your sorry for not reacting the way you should have."
"How am I supposed to react?"
"Definitely not by just standing there"
And Lydia just walked away.
"See, you do know how to walk!" Kira finished the conversation with that sentence then walked away giggling.
School ended and Liam went to geography, Theo's last class, and waited for him outside his door.
"Ah, here's Theo's little boy." A boy joked and started  laughing.
"Are you like his pet or something?" Another boy tickled then back of Liam's ear and Liam slapped his hand off. Then the third guys started tickling Liam. Liam wasn't laughing, he's was actually hurting because the guy has long nails and was scratching Liam really hard. Liam tried to push him off but he couldn't. And when that was going on, Theo got out of his class and twisted the guys arm until he fell down and hit his head against the lockers.
"Are you okay?" Theo asked Liam.
"I'm fine, just- my stomach-" Liam raised his shirt and there were red marks everywhere. Literally, everywhere.
"I'll be okay, they don't hurt, they just sting."
"Go to the nurse, Liam" Liam got up and walked to the nurse. Theo kicked all three guys' heads to the lockers really hard. One of them started bleeding but Theo wouldn't let him go to the nurse until Liam was don't with her.
"You'll be fine." She smiled and he walked out.
"Theo, stop!" Liam walked up to Theo and pulled him away from the guy. The guy ran to the nurse, one hand covering the blood.
"Are you okay?" Theo asked again.
"I'm fine, let's go to my house, my mom made us lunch."
When they arrived, they saw a big roast beside spaghetti, salad and some cake. Liam's mom was all dressed up.
"Mom, it's just me and Theo, you don't need to dress up like your going to a wedding."
"Oh, but I do. Your aunts wedding is today and I'm going right now. I'll be really late since she has a little gathering after the wedding so I'll be home around 4am. Yes, that late. So make yourself at home. You too Liam." She winked, kissed Liam's head and left the house.
"Speaking of, when am I going to meet you parents?" Liam sat down next to Theo and put some spaghetti on his plate. A lot of it.
"Probably, like, never." Theo always has the best answers.
"Theo, come on, I have to meet them or this won't be able to go on, me and you"
"Fine, how about tomorrow? They are both home and my mom is cooking.. because the are both home."
"Your dad isn't home often?"
"Oh, he is, but my mom isn't."
"Okay, tomorrow is cool. Theo, do your parents know we are dating?"
"Yea, they know. And they know who you are because of that one time they both dropped me off at school."
"So they know how I look, but not who I am?" Liam said with a mouth full of spaghetti.
Theo giggled and wiped Liam's grey shirt so the spaghetti wouldn't stain it.
"Yea, something like that."
Liam fell asleep on Theo's lap while watching tv. Theo didn't sleep, he was watching Liam sleep while watching the tv.
"Liam, hey Liam, wake up."
"Theo? What time is it?"
"2:30. Cmon, get up, I gotta go home." Theo kissed Liam while Liam was still sleeping.
"Don't go, I like your lap."
"I like it too. And I need it if I want to go home. Don't worry though, I like you more."
"But your lap."
"Bye, Liam"
The next day, Liam had to pick up the clothes he was going to wear at Theo's house. He picked up sensible clothes and put them in his bag so he can change after school in the changing rooms.
"Hey LD."
"Oh, hey Theo. I'm gonna need that lap back."
"So, you have swimming today, right?"
"Yea, why?"
"Well, you know how I always cover for the coach when he's sick or absent?"
"Yup, your coaches pet"
"Well, he's absent today and I'm coaching your swimming class."
"Well then I have bad news for you. I can't swim. I mean, I can swim. I know how but I can't swim because of my scars."
"Oh come on, girls swim with their periods. You'll be fine."
"Okay then, I already got my swimming shorts for Just In Case. Remember how lucky you are, I'm swimming for you." Liam smiled back at Theo and caught up to Mason to go with him to art. Theo remembered that Liam was coming over today but he wasn't worried a bit. He knew Liam would make a good impression. All grown ups like him.
"Stiles, I need to talk to you." Lydia and stiles were the only two in the storage room. Stiles was asked to organise the storage room and Lydia, being as she is, asked every single person where he was.
"What is there to talk about?"
"Stiles, I like you, I do but- I don't know how to love"
"Cool, Lydia."
"You don't have to have that attitude with me. I'm trying."
"I know you are. More than you should. I don't want you to try anymore. I said what had to be said and that's it. No need to make a big deal out of it. Now could you please leave because you're blocking the way to the paint."
"Yea whatever" Lydia left the room without closing the door. She knows stiles hates it when people don't close the door after them.
"Unbelievable." He said, not too loud.
"Okay everyone, in the pool." Theo called out and everyone got in. "Where's-"
"Liam's in the changing room having trouble with his scars. He said don't worry, he'll be out soon."
"Okay, well, 10 front crawl laps please. I'll be back in a second." Theo walked into the changing room right behind the pool and found Liam.
"Theo, they look really, really bad." Theo could only see Liam's back.
"Turn around, let me see." Liam turned around and he was right, they looked so bad.
"Oh, my god, Liam. What did the nurse do to help?"
"Absolutely nothing. But I have to swim. I'll be in the pool." Liam walked away and Theo grabbed him by the arm.
"Oh no, you're not swimming, you can't."
"I can and I will. I have to. Come on."
Liam and Theo got out of the changing rooms. Most times, the kids would be making fun of the being alone in the changing rooms shirtless but this time, they were all staring at Liam's scars without saying a word. Liam got into the pool and everyone was still looking.
"Liam, are you okay?"
"Yea, hey Mason, I'm fine." And he looked fine, but fake.
"Okay everyone, 5 laps of sidestroke."
Liam was extremely good at swimming. He got invited to a swimming contest which he denied because he didn't really enjoy swimming. He knew he was good at it but it wasn't his thing. Theo was really surprised at his skills too. Whenever Liam did something perfectly, Theo would give Liam a thumbs up and wink. And another good thing was that everyone knew how good Liam was, so they didn't care if Theo treated him better than everyone else.
"Okay everyone, out of the pool. Liam, follow me please." Theo asked.
"Should I wear my shirt?" Liam asked.
"No, your fine. Get your towel, though."
Liam followed Theo and they both got into a little cabin. Theo and Liam started kissing and things were falling of the shelves in the little cabin.
"Theo, I need to go change. I can't walk into class like this."
"Yes, you can. The teachers might even increase your grade." And Theo winked again.
"You gotta stop saying stuff like this or I'll never leave the cabin." Liam kissed Theo one more time and left the cabin, ran into the changing room and made sure no one was looking. And no one did. Theo was pretending he was organising the cabin. He did need to return the things he dropped back onto the shelf, anyway.
Theo and Liam opened the door to Theo's parents house and walked in. Unlike Liam, Theo had a huge house with famous art and expensive furniture everywhere.
"Woah, you live here? If I lived here, I wouldn't want to leave the house." Liam continued talking about how amazing the house was.
"You think? I hate it here. I feel like I'm trapped in prison."
"A very pretty prison."
Theo walked in with Liam into the dining are where Theo's parents were. His parents were sitting on a huge table.
"So, how many people live here. I mean, who uses the rest of the seats?" Liam whispered and Theo laughed.
"Ah, there they are. Have a seat, boys." Theo's mom was unbelievably blonde. So blonde, that it was obvious it wasn't natural. And Theo's dad had normal, brown hair, like Liam's. That's how Theo got his hair colour.
"Nice to meet you both." Liam said with a smile. He sat down right next to Theo.
"What would you like to eat, dear?" Theo's mother asked Liam.
"Anything would be fine, really. As long as there's no nuts."
"Are you allergic?" Theo's father asked.
"No, I just don't like them." Liam's comment made Theo's parents laughs and Liam's parents smile.
They all ate without a single word and after dinner, Theo's made came with desert. A huge cake with jello cups next to them.
"Liam, how old are you, dear?"
"I'm 16 years old, ma'am."
"Well, I'm sorry Liam but you can't eat any of the jello, they have alcohol in them. But we are definitely saving you the biggest slice of cake." His mother assured him and smiled. Liam smiled back.
"I'm sorry, but where the bathroom?" Liam asked politely. The maid took Liam to the bathroom. It was a very big bathroom and was designed very nicely.
"I like him, Theo." Theo's mother told him. "Such a polite kid. And very handsome too. He's definitely a keeper."
"Where does his parents work, son?" Theo's dads first question to any of Theo's girlfriends or boyfriends is about where that persons parents work.
"Well, uh- his dad died and his mother is taking a time off from work since she's trying to recover from the death. That's all I know." Theo told him.
After lunch, Liam had to go home. It was about 10:45 when he arrived. The day went well, and Theo thought so too.

Hold you close- A Thiam storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin