Chapter One

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•Aspen's POV•

I looked out at the London streets, it was almost quite. Almost. I turned my attention back to the flat's window. Bloody hell! This lock is hard. After a while of jiggling some more, I heard the last click and I threw the window open and slide inside the dark house.

It wasn't my house. Nope it was my neighbor's. I had over heard them talking about their upcoming trip to Jamaica and couldn't resist. I had learned how to pick locks at the age of eight, and it somehow progressed into breaking into houses. I never stole anything. I just used their stuff and then covered up my tracks before they even noticed anything was different.

I walked around a bit. Oooh an X-box! Oooh 360! Oooh Call of Duty. OOOH CHEESE! Yes cheese. That's really what I'm most concerned about right now. Not the coppers, not my foster parents noticing that I'm not there ( not that they ever do), but cheese. Yup I am just that wicked.

After a while, I ran out of cheese ( if you ask me, I was doing them a favor, I mean who goes on a trip and just leaves the perishables in the fridge? If I hadn't come along when I did they would have come home to a fridge of rotten cheese. You're welcome in advance Morrisons.) and may have kinda, sorta, broke the x-box ( I apologize in advance Morrisons I will personally see to it that you buy a new one), so I wandered into the bedroom.

"Ooo! Sick! A sleep number!" I yelled and jumped onto one side. I instantly regretted it, for it felt like doing a back-flop in the pool.

"Uuhhhh." I whined, "That's gonna leave a mark." I said, my voice an octave higher.

I rolled over onto the other side. It was so squishy that it practically swallowed me whole.

"Help! HELP!" I screamed. "I'm being EATEN!!! BY AN INANIMATE OBJECT!!!!" I struggled and sunk even deeper. "OH MY GOD!!! IT'S LIKE QUICKSAND!!! THERE IS NO ESCAPE!!!" I finally managed to escape by finding the remote. I pressed the firmer button until I was no longer in danger of drowning.

"Well that was terrifying. I suddenly feel bad for eating that cheese... wait... no I don't. " I looked at the bed again."And now I'm scarred for life." I fainted back on the bed. "Oooh This is wonderful..." I was asleep at once.

"Bloody hell! What happened here?"

"All the cheese is gone."

"And my X-box is broken"

I heard all of these things at first in a dream-like state but then in a rush unlike any drug can give you I woke up, grabbed my backpack, which I had dropped next to the bed, opened up the window and dropped to the nearest fire-escape.

All the Morrisons saw was the tips of my golden hair flying up as I fell.


I looked at the clock 12:59 it read. Good. Everyone was asleep by now and it was the end of the witching hour. Perfect for running. I got out of bed, and began my preparations by getting dressed.

I threw on a pair of jeans, socks, a Captain America v-neck and an old, tattered red sweat shirt.

The sweat shirt came from one of my old schools. It was lent to me when I was forced to join track and I ran away before they reclaimed it. I called it my running sweat shirt.

After I had dressed, and put my hair in a high pony tail, then I grabbed my pack and began stuffing it full with all my necessary crap, then tied my scooter to the back. Finally I grabbed my iPod touch and snuck downstairs, and out the door of the flat without anybody noticing.

After navigating through the stairs, I arrived in the lobby. There I found the supposed night guard, Carols, asleep, as usual.

"Oh Carols, I'll miss you most of all. Never failing to foil my plots of escaping this bloody place." I said dramatically. Carols gave no response.

"See what I have to go through?" I asked the empty lobby. I pointed to Carols," I tried to give him some material, But no!" I seriously considered in that moment shaving Carols' handlebar mustache clean off, and I would have if the elevator hadn't dinged and I had to drop the razor and run. Leaving Carols with a face full of shaving cream.

When I had put a block or two from the apartment complex I reached for my scooter and was off. Doing tricks if the curbs and others. I looked over my shoulder, one last time...

Goodbye family number 626.


Hi peoples! So I am super excited about this book!!! I have big plans! BIG PLANS!!!!

Ok so this week I have been really tried. And I mean to the point of deprivation! That's bad. That's really bad. Because... I write almost everything at night. So I have decided for the good of my health... That April is my relax month.

Oh also Head Over Heal readers, there is a very important message for you on my message board. Well actually that message includes all my readers so yeah check that out. Thanks. Oh and I edit my chapters after I post them ( its not very efficient but this is me not you) so yeah, if this book does the little update swirly-thingy and there is no new stuff, it just means I edited it for future generations (the first ones to read my books have it the worst, because you guys get the very first drafts!!! So you end up re-reading stuff the most!!! Yay You!!!). (and if you get lost in my parenthesis, as my sister would say, Sucks to suck! Thankfully for you, I am not that bitch I am forced to call my sister, and you may skip the parenthesis, because most of the time they are just so I can tell random shiz about the plot line.).

:P 626rice

P.s This chapter is dedicated to @swimmer48 for being the first to comment on this book.

(Whoa. My note just got a whole lot longer...)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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