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I know it's been a while and I'm sorry I have the next 3 chapters done and ready so ill put those up ASAP so be sure to comment and tell me what you think enjoy:)

4 Months later

Traveling around for the last 4 months was amazing after leaving court our first destination was of course Las Vegas and what they say is true 'what happens in Vegas stay's in Vegas'. After Vegas we went to LA and hung out with some of Adrian's 'celebrity' friends which pretty much was partying non stop and occasional paparazzi incident's which laded us on the cover of many magazines. Form LA we went to Hawaii nothing to interesting there we pretty much relaxed by the beach the entire time.

If some one were to tell me 5 months ago that i would be traveling around the country with none other than Adrian and that i would be falling in love with him more and more everyday i would probably laugh at them and call them crazy, But nope here i am falling deeper and deeper in love with him on an a jet making our last trip... for now.

"What's on your mind little dhampir?" Adrian asked taking my hand in his a rubbing circles on my palm.

"Nothing, just thinking about the last few months, they've been amazing and its about to be ruined." i sighed "I mean i know Tatiana wants us back at court she misses us you miss her hell i even miss her but i know things are going to change when we get back i know its not going to be the same as it was for the last months, i know it's really selfish of me but i want you for myself i dont want anything to change"

"I know i know i don't want to share you either but its time to go home at least for a while and things wont change i promise i talked to my aunt and she got an apartment ready for us and you know you don't have to go back to being a guardian if you don't want to"

"So what makes you think that i still want to live with you?" i asked in the best serious voice i could manage but i epicaly failed.

"I know you want to live with me babe, but if you dont im sure i can arrange for some other Hot girl to come keep me company" he said

"Ha ha ha very funny" i said punching him

"Aww babe im just messing with you your the only women for me you know that"

"Mmh sure" i said as he pulled me into a kiss time stopped as our lips moved together as one. His lips were so soft and urgent against mine. I quickly got up without breaking contact and sat on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. I could feel his hands running up and down my thighs to my ass he did this a few times before leaving them on my ass. Things were going a little to far to fast but man i didn't want to stop it felt to good so right.

At this moment i was questioning why we agreed to take things slow god i was stupid i mean i know that i love him and i know that he loves me so why wait?

My thoughts where interrupted by the pilots voice over the inter come. "We will be landing shortly please take a seat and buckle up"

We pulled away, Adrian resting his forehead against mine trying to catch our breaths "God Rose you have no idea what you do to me"

"I think i have an idea" i smirked as i moved my hips back and forth rubbing myself and his very very happy member.

"Ugh rose!" he moaned and wined at the same time.

"All in good time babe" i said as i got off of him sat back in my seat and buckled up

Five minutes later the plane laded the door to the plane was opened i got up practically running off the plane i could hear Adrian laughing in back of me. He knew how i hated flying which was crazy since i loved traveling.

"Rose Adrian ive missed you both so much im glad your back"

i smiled "We missed you to Tatiana" I said as i pulled her into a hug

Adrian doing the same "Aunt we have missed you too"

"You guy's look great, we must get together later and get caught up and what you did i haven't spoken to you since you were in LA, but it must wait i have to go to a meeting i just wanted to be here when your arrived"

"Yeah, that's fine aunt, we want to get settled in" Adrian said as he put our bags in the back of the car. We agreed to meet up later tonight before going our separate way's. The drive home wasn't long we pulled into the drive way the apartment which didn't look like one it looked more like a house was a modern looking two story house with big glass windows it was beautiful.

"Well here it is our new home" Adrian said as he pulled me into a hug

"Yeah our new home" I stood on my toes and gave him a light kiss "It's perfect i love it"

"I love YOU" he said emphasizing the you part.

"I love you too" He smiled his million dollar smile and pulled me into a kiss similar to the one we shared on the plane and like on the plane we were interrupted.


'Shit i really didn't want to deal with this right now'

There you guy's have it sorry if its seems rushed Tell me what you think please comment it helps me a lot tell me what you think and what you want to see happen who do you think or who do you want the person you interrupted rose and adrian to be?

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