Chapter 6: Singing Battle: @broppyshipper46 's sister

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" Hey there everyone!!!" I said

"Hello!" everybody said


"YES!! WE ARE!!" everyone shouted

"Then Let START!!!" I yell as everybody cheers

"Ok the last round was @Anneliese67 who is not a troll but whatever. Now which troll is going to battle with me in round 4" Creek said

"First of all Correction her name is not @Anneliese67 anymore is now @broppyshipper46 just for everyone to know" I said

"Yep that's right" @broppyshipper46 said as everyone say 'oooooohhhhhh'

"And Second again you are not going against a troll again nope" I said proudly

"True!!" my bestie said happy

"Really?! again then who!!" Creek said whined

"Well @broppyshipper46 will you like to say it" I said

"Sure!! Now coming right.... wait for it ...... give it up for MY SISTER!!!" my bestie yelled as she point at the door that began to open.

Everyone turn to the door and saw @broppyshipper46's sister coming out with the same shirt that @broppyshipper46 has but at the back of the shirt it say 'P.S BROPPY 4 LIFE!' And a mic on her hand as the Kingdom and the Group and us cheers

"YES another team mate YAY!!!" the group said as they jump up and down

" Oh come on!! another one!!!" Creek yell

"Uh YEAH! My bestie ask if she can join in and OF COURSE I SAID YES! I shouted

"What wrong are you scare of my sister" @broppyshipper46 said smirking at Creek

"Or are you just chicken" @broppyshipper46' sister said as she and her sister high five each other.

"It's nice too meet you @broppyshipper46's sister!!" everyone said

"Thank you everyone I am so excited to be here! thank you trollsAwesome" she said happily

"No problem I am glad that you like to join in the battle" I said

"Ooo we like your shirt too!" the twin said

"Thanks you" @broppyshipper46' s sister said smiling

"By the way I should of put that P.S on my shirt too" @broppyshipper46 said

"Here" her sister said as she put it on her shirt

"Thank sis!"

"Yep !"

"Ok ok can we just get started" Creek said annoying

"Ok but first I need to do something quick" @broppyshipper46's sister said as she text her sister.

@broppyshipper46 POV.

I look at the text and I try not to laugh as I quick sent her a text saying 'YES! XD'

"Hey Poppy/Branch your shoes is untie!" we both said at the same time

"Wait what?!" Poppy and Branch said as they look down.

Me and my sister quickly trip them and they landed on top of each other as there lips got crush together. Everyone start to laugh so hard and some took picture

" Good job girls!" Copper said laughing

"OMG WHERE IS MY CAMERA OH HERE IT IS!! THIS IS SO GOING IN MY BOOK !!!" GD said getting crazy as here took picture

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