Chapter 3

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Seth's POV

I woke up at 5:30, thinking today will be a great day since it's the weekend. Glory was still sleeping with her hand on mine. I softly kissed her and she smiled, lifting my ring finger. I completely forgot about the ring until today and boy, why did I forget about it. I mean, this year will be 1 year since we got married and 4 years since we met and got together the exact same day.

3 years ago, February 2016.

"Seth, guess what I just did?" Glory said, excitedly, holding my hand. I looked at her, taking my glasses off. "Dude, you look great with glasses but I think the contacts you wear make you look sexier." She smiled, putting her hand around my shoulder.

"What?" I answered, trying to get some paperwork done.

"I went to a used gaming store and I got a PlayStation 1!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

"Cool...?" I raised an eyebrow, not quite get how is that exciting.

"And the best part is that as I was coming back home, my game arrived! Isn't that the best news you've seen all day!" She jumped around like a little kid.

"I guess so." I said.

"What kind of work are you doing?" She smiled, staring at my dark brown eyes.

"Just some paperwork. Pretty boring, right?"


Back to the present, I really don't know how to say that within a year, Glory has matured than when we first met and became an item. At first, she was this hyperactive 14 year old who was fangirling towards me a lot because she was a fan of me. Not saying that it's a bad thing, it was cute and I did like that since I obviously liked her back.

"Morning, sweet ass potato." She woke up, rubbing her honey brown eyes.

"Hey..." I smiled, putting my hand on her shoulder. "I was thinking back 3 years ago and Jesus, it felt like a time machine." I laughed.

"Nice!" She gave me a high five.

"You've changed a lot in the past almost 4 years." I grinned.

"Yeah, right!" She rolled her eyes, playfully.

"It's true!" I exclaimed, throwing a pillow at her.

"You want to start a pillow fight? I'll show you how it's done!" She threw one at me and we started playing around like little kids. This lasted for 25 minutes until I fell back into the bed.

"Shit!" I yelled, checking the time on my phone.

"What?" She asked.

"I forgot that Rachael is taking care of Oliver for the weekend." I told her.

"Yeah, you did." She smirked.

"Why didn't anyone tell me this until today!" I crossed my arms.

"I guess it's because of how tired you get at times." She said, as she was massaging my shoulders.

"Say what now?" I said, unsure what to say.

"All I'm saying is that you just need to focus yourself, say a cup of coffee. Oh wait, You don't drink coffee because it gives you a headache."

"True." I shook my head, wanting to go back to sleep. I drifted off, not wanting to get up.

"Seth, if you don't get your ass up, I'll force you to eat broccoli for the rest of the year." Glory giggled. I got up very quickly and started getting ready. "Freak." She muttered to herself.

"I heard that!" I shouted from the hall, snickering at her.

"Bitch, you wish!" She ran towards me and gave me a piggyback ride.

"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed, not sure what to expect, causing her to laugh.

Glory's POV

As I was on top of Seth, I noticed he was getting tired from the piggyback ride I gave him few minutes ago. I got off of him and he ended up collapsing to the floor, hitting his head but is still conscious.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Everything is spinning." He moaned, trying to get up but couldn't.

"Sorry." I apologized, kissing his forehead.

"It's okay, I deserved it." He smiled weakly, closing his eyes.

"Seth, this isn't a joke!" I said to him but he didn't respond. I shook his shoulders and he didn't wake up. I tried to lift him but I knew I wouldn't be able to because of his weight. Few hours later, he woke up and felt uncomfortable in the floor.

"My head hurts." He said, getting up then quickly going to the bathroom. Oh god, he's going to throw up. I thought to myself. I found him vomiting violently. I rubbed his back, making sure he'll be okay.

"I think I might've gotten the flu." He said, holding my hand to his forehead.

"You'll be okay." I assured him, as we got up.

A/N: I'm so sorry if this chapter is short. I said that I'll update yesterday but I was extremely tired and I just couldn't. Plus, today I only got 5 hours of sleep. My parents aren't going to like this. Anyways, if you have anything to say, leave them in the reviews. Don't forget to follow me and have a great day!

MacFarlane X Glory (4): If I Had You Where stories live. Discover now