Chapter 2

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Elizabeth P.O.V

As I was making a coffee for a customer,I realized that I had lost track of time as I finished up few orders.

I looked up to see the time and it was mid-noon meaning my shift is almost over, Sara will be here any minute I thought as I cleaned up the counter.

I went to the office in the corner of the shop where ma'am sits 'ma'am?' I asked as I knocked on the door

'Come in Liza' she said and I entered to see her glaring at her phone 'is everything okay ma'am?' I asked softly as I saw her glare

'Sit down Liza' she said a little less rudely I walked slowly  'I have a grandson he's the only grandchild I have and now that he's turning 2o I think he should get married and actually settle down' she said and I frowned

'Then why doesn't he settle down?" I asked still frowning ' well he doesn't want to get married now he still wants to "enjoy life" ' she said and I frowned more 'well.... Maybe he likes someone?Don't you think so?' I asked

'Well I thought of the same thing and he said he did! But when he brought her home I was disgusted' she said making a sour face

'Well why?' I asked curious

'She's not only disrespectful but she also doesn't have manners and if she wants to get married to my grandson she has to change!" Ma'am said 'but apparently the girl just wanted my grandson for his wealth!"

"Hmm... So do you have someone in mind for your grandson?" I asked and her response made me regret the moment I asked the question

"Well yes!! Of course dear! You!" She said happily 'why me?' I asked frowning and she stood up and walked towards me the held my face lightly

'Because you aren't like any girl!! You are so different! You are extremely gorgeous! Independent! And you understand that you should always respect money and never take it for granted! And not to mention you are just so perfect for my grandson' she said and I couldn't help but blush

' well... I don't know' I said hesitantly 'don't worry about anything! Leave everything on me!" She said happily as she walked out of her office.

Well that's exactly what I'm worried about I thought

A/N: hello!!!! I hope this chapter was worth it but don't worry it will get better!! So please Vote! Comment!! And please share.

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