The Way Sarah Broke

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It had been a few months of not opening her mouth once.

After a while of the social and verbal abuse from Jonah and his peers, Sarah had just decided that it would be easier to say nothing at all then say 'Pointless shit' as her brother put it.

Sarah was sat in her bath, hair wet and sticking to her face as she waded her hands through the clear, cold water.

She had been sitting in there for five and a half hours now.

"Sarah what the fuck! Open up! You've been in there forever - what could you possibly be doing?" Her older brother pounded on the bathroom door. Jonah knew she was in there but he didn't care, he needed to take a shower and get ready to take out Atallia.

The bath water is cold. Her lips are blue. Her skin is wrinkled. Yet that didn't stop Sarah from ignoring her brother as she continued to hum and play with the ripples in the water. As if Jonah's day couldn't get any worse - or better? He couldn't pick it at that moment - Arla Middleton came bolting up the stairs and stomped towards her best friends room.

Was Sarah still her best friend? The two hadn't talked in a week now and frankly the short girl had simply had enough of waiting by the phone for Sarah to return her calls. She had had enough of being turned away. But most of all, Arla had had enough of pretending that her best friend - her soul sister - wasn't breaking.

"Move Jonah. I'm not going to tell you again!" She yelled at her old flame after checking out Sarah's bedroom only to find she wasn't there.

"How the hell did you - what are you doing here?!" Arla ignored Jonah as she took a bobby pin from out of her hair and began to pick the lock to the bathroom.


Arla flung open the door with so much force it hit the wall as she gasped at the horror before her. Sarah meekly turned her head to the doorway but quickly looked back down at the bottom of the tub once she saw who was standing there.

Jonah's eyes widened.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING! How could you do this to yourself? What could this possibly be doing for you! I can't believe y..." Sarah tunes out her best friends screaming as she felt the water being drained. Arla was still yelling as she fumbled around the bathroom for a towel after pulling the bath tubs plug - the hairs on her arm shooting up as she felt the water.

Jonah watched his sister sit from the door as Sarah stared right back into his eyes. Her once happy brown orbs now looking black and lifeless. Dull.

It was enough to make him pale.

He has done this. This was his fault.

"Arla..." The girl stopped her fussing and faced her love. "What's wrong with her?..."

Arla just sighed and ignore Jonah, returning to the task of forcing Sarah to stand and step out of the bath. Sarah's naked body seemed an unhealthy blue and it was enough to make her brother cry.

Of course he was silent, but as he locked eyes for the first time in months with his sister, the boy sobbed.

Jonah had pushed her to the breaking point...pushed her past it.

He has broken Sarah.

He has broken his sister.


Sorry for the incredibly short update. I received a message from someone reminding me of the joy of writing and updating. So I'm back xxx

602 Word Count

My Sisters Best Friend • Jonah Marais AU •Where stories live. Discover now