chapter eleven.

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holden murphy woke up in renee's arms, snuggled up to him. renee was still asleep, snoring ever so softly. holden turned around so that he could see renee's face, his cheeks a roseate color.

he smiled a little when he saw renee, and snuggled up to him more, wrapping his own arms around renee.

renee began to awake, his eyelids fluttering open. holden squeaked and closed his eyes.

"good morning, holden." renee said tiredly, yawning after he spoke. he pulled holden closer and held him.

"g-good morning to you t-too, renee." he said, opening his eyes as the blush on his cheeks darkened ever so slightly. he bit his bottom lip a tiny bit as he looked up into renee's eyes.

"how'd you sleep?" renee asked, letting go of holden and sitting up.

holden sat up as well. "i slept really well, you?" he asked.

"i slept amazingly. i haven't slept that well since... i don't even remember!" renee said, letting out a small laugh. he ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

holden grinned and laughed a little as well. "that's good!" he said, giggling a little. he smiled oh so widely at renee and his cheeks became rubescent.

renee began to blush as well and bit his own bottom lip imperceptibly.

they stayed like that for a good minute, lost in each other's eyes before they both snapped out of it and bursted into a fit of laughter.

holden sincerely smiled, and so did renee.

"wanna get some breakfast?" holden asked.

"sure." renee said contentedly, a look of bliss and pure happiness on his face.

they both headed downstairs and ate a quick, filling breakfast before deciding to go on a walk.

holden pulled on a light-weight jacket, since it was a little chilly that day, and renee put on the bomber jacket he was wearing the day before.

renee ruffled holden's hair, causing holden to squeak a little. renee laughed and they both headed outside.

once they were done with their walk, renee had to go home, much to their disappointment.

renee packed up his bag and gave holden a huge, warm hug before leaving.

even though renee had already left, holden couldn't get him off of his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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