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"Welcome to Caffeine Express, how--"

"Hey, what's this special you guys are having? This 'cookie', draft thing?"

"As always. You have the perfect entrance that spectacularly ruins mine."

"Hey, what can I say, I'm a natural."

"...... Even for you that's cringey."

"Anyway, what's the cookie draft?"

"It's a Christmas special that the store is hosting. You can buy certain numbers of cookies and you can put your name into a draft, the first prize get's two tickets to a local concert."

"I'm not interested in concerts, I'm too busy."

"Well then I guess you're out of luck."


"What are you planning? Every time you keep quiet it's never a good sign."

"How about I draft for something else?"

"Annnd what is that?"

"Your number."


"Every time my name get's pulled I get a number. Your number."

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