Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV
I am told to report to a man named Gabriel Reyes, I head to an area that is black with red lighting on it, a man walks up to me, "So you're (F/N) (L/N)?" the man asks, "Yes" I answer, "I'm Gabriel Reyes, I'm the leader of the Blackwatch unit, and you're the new recruit, you will do what I say word for word, got it?" He says to me, "Whatever you say" I reply, I meet a cowboy named Jesse Mcree and a fellow cyborg named Genji, "So you're the new guy?" Mcree asks, "Yeah" I reply, "Greetings, I am Genji Shimada" Genji says, "Nice to meet you" I say in a serious tone, "Don't mind Gabe, he's always so serious and hard on people, don't take it personally" Mcree explains, "I'm used to it" I explain

Timeskip to a couple of weeks later because I'm lazy

I've been feeling like my old self again, Mcree and Genji have become my best friends here, along with Lena, I've developed a crush on her, I haven't told her yet, Mcree always teases me about it, I've been trying to make up for my sins, I've saved a little girl from an Omnic that was going to kill her, I've stopped gangs and I have a personal mission to take down Talon, Overwatch has been too busy with the war to do anything about them, Lena has been helping me not to get all vengeance and stuff but if I see Doomfist he's gonna die

Tracer's POV
I can't stop thinking about (Y/N), I have a huge crush on him, he can be so nice and compassionate and very gentle, I don't think he shows his soft side to anyone else, he says that he owes me his life for saving him, but I didn't really do anything, Mercy noticed my crush on (Y/N) and she teases me about it at times, I asked her to give me advice but she told me to just tell him, I ask her boyfriend Genji for advice since he and (Y/N) are very close, I ask Mcree for advice sometimes too since he's also very close to (Y/N), I always watch him train and I stare at him a lot, we get a mission to stop an Omnic attack in my home town King's Row, the Omnics have taken over the city and we have to stop them, and they need everybody for this mission so Blackwatch will be joining us so I get see (Y/N), we head out on the dropship and I'm very nervous, I sit next to (Y/N) and hold his hand, I feel myself blush and he doesn't seem to mind, when the dropship lands we head out and are ready to attack

 Tracer x Male Cyborg ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now