Chapter 2

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The silence in my head was soon destroyed once I woke up the next day. My head was buzzing with voices that seemed to drown out my own thoughts. I bring my hands up to my head and try to sort out the voices, and then I notice the voice that stands out the most.

"Chloe Sanders!" A gruff voice explains.

"Yes?" I think back hesitantly.

"We need your help!" The voice replies.

"Who's this 'we' that you're talking about? Who are you?"

"My name is Castiel, I am an Angel of the Lord. The Winchesters need your help. Pleas-"

The voice was interrupted by the door to my cell opening. My therapist came in with a calm matter. She sits in a chair across from me, brings out a notepad and says, "Who were you talking to?"

"Castiel. He said he and the 'Winchesters' needed my help."

"Did he say anything else?"

I rocked my brain for any other answers, and finally settled with,"He said he was an angel and he knew my name."

"Oh! I see." She nodded and continued to scribble down answers, no doubt prescribing more medicine for me. She then got up to go interrogate the other girl named Anna in the other room to see if she heard the same voice. They were trying a new method, seeing if our stories were the same if we separated. Because they thought it was all an act. They didn't really believe we heard 'angels', or 'Castiel'. They didn't think 'Enochian' was a real language that they spoke. They didn't even believe in these 'Winchesters' that we keep on hearing about.

Then it might have been a trick of the light, but I could've sworn that when my therapist shut the door that her eyes were pitch black. It didn't help that the word 'demon' was coming to mind when I thought about her eyes.

Even if I told anybody here, they wouldn't believe me. After all, I am just a member of a mental institution.


After lunch, I heard about Anna escaping. I went rigid because I know that she wouldn't be one to escape, at least not willingly. So one of the angels or demons that seem to exist in our head must've gotten her.

That's when I heard the voice again.

"Chloe Sanders!"


"You have to help the Winchesters. Anna has escaped and is not at the asylum anymore. We do not know where she is. Please help us."

I look around myself at the asylum that I am in. "Uh... I'm kind of locked up here."

"The Winchesters are on their way. They will get you."

"Okay." I thought, not really believing him that anyone would come and get me.

Then a few minutes later I heard a knock on my cell door. Then it twisted open. A tall guy with blonde hair and green eyes came in and asked,"Chloe Sanders?"

"Right here." I respond, kind of freaked out over a stranger knowing my name, again.

"Our little feathered fellow said you could help us find the nut job that escaped from here."

"Wait! So you're real?!" I asked.

He looked down at himself, "Last time I checked."

"I'm going crazy." I mumbled, not really believing what's going on.

"Hey, at least you in the right place for it." He chuckled at his own joke.

"I don't even know your name!" I exclaimed, trying to find a reason not to go with him.

I then see another tall guy with long brown hair appear behind him. The first guy said, "I'm Dean, and this here is Sam. We're the Winchester's. Our bud Cas told us to find the girl who hears voices and the escape artist, so now we're here." He gestured around himself, as if to prove where he was.

I still did not quite believe after being told for years that I was crazy, that it was all true. But I still got up and followed them. You would think that the place would be more secure after someone broke out, but the place was close to deserted. I slowly followed them, but when we came to Anna's door, there was someone else there.

My therapist.

And that's when I learned that it wasn't just a trick of the light, she really had pitch black eyes.

My therapist was a black-eyed demon.

A/N Sorry if you didn't like all of the dialogue, but it was important, haha. Anyways, thank you to pentopaper02 for reminding me to start updating this story more. I kind of abandoned it for a while, so thank you for kicking my but into gear, heehee.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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