Far Away to Train

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~Lucy POV~

I got onto Celestia's back, it was warm and scaly but could never see the scales. One thing I really liked about her scales is that the stars move like there is a literal galaxy on her. It was beautiful. I asked Celestia "Where are we going?" "Far away so you don't get distracted my child." Shuttered at the though of being far away from my home but I wanted to get stronger to show that I won't need anymore saving or protecting. I wanted to become the strongest of all the dragon slayers also the first Celestial Dragon Slayer ever, and that meant sacrifice things that I loved. I started to cry quietly as I grabbed on to Celestia neck. I felt her start to lean back then she leaped into the air launching her self at the sky. She stretched out her long beautiful wing as gazed with aw. A little warning would've been nice.

(Back at the guild)  

~Everybody in Fairy Tail~

They all screamed when they saw the giant creature fly out of the woods. When the creature stretched out her long wings they for sure knew that that was a dragon. They scurried around thinking they where under attack. The dragon headed toward Magnolia to the guild. The wizards rushed out of the guild to watch the dragon fly above them. They saw a young girl hanging on tightly to the dragon.

~Lucy POV~

"Celestia why are you flying to the guild!?" I yelled so she could hear me. Then she said "Child just watch" I looked in front of me then I saw a giant portal open up on the guild. I was screaming thinking that Fairy Tail was going to disappear forever. Then we flew right through the portal. Before we flew in  I saw my guild mate staring in a yet screaming that there was a portal on the guild. When I open my eyes I saw before me a beautiful field with the starry night above us. " Child this is where I live, the sky is always has stars in it and it is always dark." I gasped at how beautiful it was. I also love it because I am a celestial maid so I love the stars. "Celestia why was there a portal on the guild?" She replied saying "Where ever you had the most loving memories is where the portal shall open." When Celestia finally landed I was quite dizzy. I started to walk forward then I fell right over.  I heard Celestia laughing behind me. I looked back, I started to laugh to. I was looking forward to living here for a while, it was really pretty. "Lucy you will always sleep next to me in your dragon form." I heard what she said but did I hear her right? "Did you just say in my dragon form?" "Yes you are not aloud to sleep unless you are in your dragon form." Wow I did here her right. "Okay how do I do that?" I said curiously. "Well it is simple just imagine what you would look like then focus your magic energy on that image then you will shift into that form." I thought really hard then I focused my magic energy on that image. I closed my eyes then I felt a little pinch then opened my I eyes to looking like this.

 I closed my eyes then I felt a little pinch then opened my I eyes to looking like this

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I gasped while I heard Celestia clapping behind be. I was twice her size. Then she said " Well done Lucy, remember what this looks like when you are in this form your magic will be 3 times stronger because you are that big." I memorized every detail of me then I laid down beside preparing myself to sleep. Then Celestia said "In that form you go by Galaxa. Prepare yourself for harsh training Galaxa." I sigh then closed my eyes.

The Celestial Dragon Slayer of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now